She seems ok today, although I don't think she'squite ready to join the ranks with Abby and Chompers. I let her out ofher cage today and she got rather nervous. She was thumping like crazyand did some investigating, but as soon as one of the other rabbitscame over (they were just being curious), she ran away from them. Abbychased after her, which I didn't take as a very good sign.
She in her cage now, with the door open. She's fine when Chompers andAbby go in there, she seems to actually like it. They're good with her,sniffing and grooming a bit. So I think I'm going to just let her be,and when she's ready to come out, she will. I'm not going to force theissue on her and have negative effects. She doesn't mind me taking herout of the cage and holding her. In fact, she fell asleep in my arms asI was petting her. Right now, I think it's too much for her to adjustto a new mommy and daddy, two new rabbits, and a HUGE space compared towhat she's been in for her whole life. Which was basically a cage inthat store.
Dave and I have high hopes though, and are patient. Abby is a dominantrabbit, so we expected something from her. She loooooves groomingeveryone she can (us, Chompers, the cats, herself), and is grooming thebaby bunny all the time. That can't be bad, right? Like I said earlier,we just need to take it slow.
Oh yeah, no name yet, although I was thinking of Velvee today, as herfur is like velvet. Dave takes forever and a day naming anything and,while he never comes up with names, doesn't like most of the ones Icome up with. lol