The Importance of being Earnest!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. Could Tucker get any cuter?

Nope :D
Fauna never realized how beautiful shewas. Well, she knows now! She's a cocky littlething! That picture though is definitely one of my favoritesof her.

Tucker's such a good boy, sometimes. He puts up with her nonsense though.


We've determined that our new Dutch,Ernest, is a "carrier," in that he calmly sits in my "front pack" as wedo flea markets, fairs and the like.? He 's had two outings already andhas adapted wonderfully.? Unlike our previous two carriers, Ernest willretreat back into the bag, if he doesn't like a potential "petter."? Onthe other hand, he remains up, visable, and very curious otherwise.?Rides the engine cover well, and uses the "comfort cage" in the trucklike it was old hat.

He's a keeper!? His potential girlfriend, Mitzie, though, is being a bit pugnacious when it comes to bonding.? We shall see.


How Cool is THAT, Buck!!?? I'm thrilled beyondexpression for you!? I know how you've longed for a good 'carrier'rabbit since Maxie passed on.? This is indeed the best news I've heardall day!!


