So i have only been breeding a couple of years though i have had rabbits as pets for 8 years now.
I had read a few books about "why are you breeding" before i got into it and did have a really good think. I wanted to breed because a lot of people were giving up breeding nethies because lops were more popular and becauseof the netherlands attitude. I was looking for a blue otter nethie and couldnt find one anywhere.and it prompted me and my husband to take teh decision to breed netherlands. To be honest i wish i had found a forum first and realised how hard they can be to breed.
The first year was a nightmare 1 i didnt become BRC registered and tried to find the stock myself. My blue otter turned out to be a blue fox. i ended up with a few smokes and an opal in my shed They wern't great looking. I didnt have the knowledge i now have of the breed and just how they should look. We went through long labours stuck kits 2 emergency c sections resulting in spays and 1 dead rabbit that died after giving birth. It was hard, so hard and heart breaking that i considered giving up very seriously
Some of the problems i had were after i joined here and turned to Peg for a bit of help with the odd pm. She was really good and started to help me more with the genetics even helping me to get genetic books fromthe statesas i didn't know where to get them over here. I have also utilised Pam's vast knowledge and would like to give them both a big thankyou
i joined the BRC under Bruce's name and met a few good breeders up here that were helpful but not until i went to them for a showbuck did they really take us seriously. And so we got Jin. nowhere in my plan of breeding blue netherlands did a chinchilla colour fit in ( i know you class this colour different in the states) but it got us out to the shows and meeting people. I also found a couple of good UK forums and frrom there have met a lot of other breeders who have been really helpful i have been down to Wales and england for rabbits to enhance what i have.
I have just renewed our subs and joined myself and got our stud name to show under which is Cinabun stud after my first rabbit Dido who was called cinabun more than dido
Nowwe have made friends at the shows and steward at every opportunity so we can pick peoples brains and learn as much as we can

Its amazing how friendly and helpful they can be. I have a friend who is a judge and is a fantastic help. I am also hoping this year to learn the books at the shows so i can get on the tables but not steward as i have problems with my hands and wrists. We have picked up so much knowledge in this last year and i am really looking forward to getting back to the shows this year and learning more. We tend to steward other tables too so we can learn about the other breeds too.
So we have gone from breeding to help keeep the breed going to breeding to show and improve the breed as well. I am the first to admit we still have a few colours in my shed but weare getting closer toour goal.
This year is exciting as it will be the first year of our babies going through to show with the litter i have just had being the first and the more we get on the show tables and the more comments we get the more we will learn
We work well as a team. Bruce tends to be the bunny MOT guy and i do all the legwork and find out what to breed to get the best colours out of it and type!! i arrange all the shows and we go together. he does all the claw cutting and teeth checking and grooming and show prep.
At this pint we are slowly working uphill. I was told that i would never win with blue rabbits as their colour is so hard and hey my blues and blacks are giving me sables

But that means i just gotta work harder and i will prove them wrong in the end!!