gmas rabbit
Well-Known Member
So we have been fighting with Derby for months about his food dish. He pulls them all over, dumps them, flips them etc, etc. Doesn't seem to matter what size, weight or whatever. My husband came up with a super idea. We have stuck the coarse side of velcros tape to the bottom of his dishes. 2 pieces across and then 2 more pieces going the opposite direction over top of the original pieces so that it sticks up a little from the bottom of the dish. The dishes now stick to the carpet and are impossible for the little monkey to move. As he is a free range indoor bunny, cageless, attaching something to a wall of a cage was not an option. It really works, and is so much nicer than cleaning pellets up off the carpeting everyday. He has his own carpets in one area of our bedroom, they are stuck to the floor with double sided tape. The flooring is hardwood with throw rugs except for the area that is his that are good rubber backed rugs.