The Farmer's Market

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To be perfectly honest, I didn't think thethought all the way through that in SO MANY other parts of the world,it's all snowy and gross...I should have waited a couple months beforeposting that...hehe!!

But...hey...I think that picture is juicy enough, you can ALMOST taste them! :D
It's okay, show them off. If theylived here, they'd be sweating too. I hate it when it's 95 inMarch, don't you...
Oh's driving me NUTS being so dang hot in the middle of MARCH!! For Pete's sake!! Ya know?

What happened to winter? Heck what happened to SPRING?!
I don't know. I'm so hot.I'm all sweaty and gross, and the air conditioning at school justwasn't enough today either...
I hate it when it's 95 in March, don't you...

Oh's driving me NUTS being so dang hot in the middle ofMARCH!! For Pete's sake!! Ya know? What happened to winter? Heck whathappened to SPRING?!
I don't know. I'm so hot. I'm all sweaty and gross, and the airconditioning at school just wasn't enough today either...
"Oh, my pity for thee knows no bounds..." :disgust:

Y'know, I could FedEx y'all some of the white fluffy stuff iff'n youwant some...just to make ya feel better (of course by the time it'd getthere it'd be pretty darned drippy).

Actually, to really make you all feel better...did you know that a fewdays ago it was -43 deg. C outside here??? Yep. As my dad used to say,'Wouldn't that frost your bananas!' :shock:

OH WOW!!! :shock::shock::shock:

I WISH it were that cold here.....:(

Wanna switch countries???? PLEASE???

Bassetluv wrote:
I hate it when it's 95 in March, don't you...

Oh's driving me NUTS being so dang hot in the middle ofMARCH!! For Pete's sake!! Ya know? What happened to winter? Heck whathappened to SPRING?!
I don't know. I'm so hot. I'm all sweaty and gross, and the airconditioning at school just wasn't enough today either...
"Oh, my pity for thee knows no bounds..." :disgust:

Y'know, I could FedEx y'all some of the white fluffy stuff iff'n youwant some...just to make ya feel better (of course by the time it'd getthere it'd be pretty darned drippy).

Actually, to really make you all feel better...did you know that a fewdays ago it was -43 deg. C outside here??? Yep. As my dad used to say,'Wouldn't that frost your bananas!' :shock:
Yes, yes yes, send me snow. I'll boxup the heat and send it to you. Just give me theaddress. As I type I'm cuddling an ice pack, I'm soooooohot. At this point I'm praying that I get into this programin NY this summer, oh to be somewhere where it won't be 105for3 months.
LOL...Rosie, I'd switch in a New York (or California ;)) minute!

Mind you, I would kinda miss the snow. Oh wait...lemmee think aboutthat again...NO I wouldn't!! Man, I'd be dancing in thestreets, singing (to the tune of that no more teachers, no more booksrhyme) "No more snowstorms, no more more shovelling to findthe mail!"

The weather did actually get a lot better in the past few days; todayit was actually all the way up to +7 deg. C. (45 deg. F). Almost warmenough to peel off the parkas! hehe...

I've always wanted to move further south, probably to the Carolinas orsomewhere...I mean, when my son was little and I'd walk him to schoolin the winter, his eyelashes would literally freeze. That's just toodanged cold for me. When the dog refuses to go outdoors to pee ("pleasemom....puleeeeze don't make me go out there!"), when you seesquirrelcicles hanging from the trees, and when rotating the tiresmeans changing the positions of the dogsled team...that's just toocold!!

You can have it Rosie...I'll take your strawberries and hot sunny days in March any time!

Di (still wearing 10 layers of clothing)

missyscove wrote:
Yes, yes yes, send me snow. I'll box up the heatand send it to you. Just give me the address. As Itype I'm cuddling an ice pack, I'm soooooo hot. At this pointI'm praying that I get into this program in NY this summer, oh to besomewhere where it won't be 105 for3 months.
Hey, I have a better idea...faxing would be faster....hehe....;)
I LOVE strawberries!!! :)

I haven't been to the farmer's market for a loooong time...I remembergetting cobs and snow cones and bits of steak....yum. :popcorn2
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Most of the produce in our storesare from California.
California is supposedly the world's fifth largest economy andthe 5th largest agricultural supplier. So that's notsurprising. Not to mention it's been between 70-95 (F)lately.

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