JAK Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
I'm a great person!
Yeah, I dress nice when I turn in my applicatio nand resume, I callback, I call and call and call and go in store and ask. My persistanceso far hasn't paid off.
Snuffles wrote:
Hey Jesse,
I just wanted to chime in. First off, I'm very sorry you have to go through this. Seriously.
Something I thought of. Make sure your resume doesn't haveanymisspellings, just something for an employer not to callyou for. Have you tried calling some of the places that youapplied? You should. Just say who you are and thatyou're calling to check the status of yourapplication/resume. Ask if they're still hiring.Sometimes if you're perisitant, it pays off in the long run.I know people that have done this and got the job, weird, huh?
Also, how old are you? Are you 18 yet? Once youare, you can apply for government assistance and just see whathappens. Since you and Erron are not married, you should beable to get something once you move out, so that would help to pay foran apartment or bills. I understand that this is somethingthat won't happen right away, I just wanted to give you some ideas andsomething to look forward to, some hope. :hug:
I wish you luck with everything. You're a great person! :heartbeat: