The Diaries of Merlin Puffsbottom and Naja Seraphina

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Oh Charlotte, how did you do it? So jealous of Felix and Clem! :purpletongue
I wish I could give you more advice! I got exceptionally lucky with these two, and I hope nothing significant changes after Clem is spayed. I'm sure once you get past the difficult stage their bond will be SO strong!

Come on, Merlin and Sasha! Stop being tough and start playing nice with each other!!
So, soldiering on, Sasha and Merlin had another face-to-face today. I think it went okay! There was still some fighting and skirmishes, but we managed to get some moments of calm too. I'm a little worried that although they might be comfortable enough to groom themselves in each others' presence, whenever they get close to each other a fight breaks out. No humping or dominance nipping, just - full on fighting. It's almost like they just hate each other, they're not even bothering to work out dominance issues.

But what do I know, I'm just a silly hoomin. A silly hoomin who really wishes we can get past this fighting stage already! Sashybun is my little nugglewugglebullet and Merlin is my woogieboogiebun and they will gET ALONG, DAMMIT. I'm this close to making a big bowl of banana puree and slopping it on their faces when they fight.

Water squirts and loud noises do NOT work.

Anyways. We ended the session after 20-30 minutes and put them back in their pen/cage, sneakily swapping the litterboxes. Hopefully we won't wake up to pee everywhere.
Today we had a visit from Sasha's very nice foster mum to see how the bonding was going, so we decided to take them out to bond again. After the first half hour Merlin jumped up into her lap to get away from Sasha and decided he was going to stay there forever.


But all in all, it didn't go too bad. No one got injured, except for a little bite on Merlin's nosey. There was still no humping, but lots of chasing and nipping. Poor Merlin sulked in a corner up on the couch for ages afterward. He's a strutty chav and talks a big game, but he's getting his arse kicked regularly by a girl half his size and it's not sitting well with him at all. I think we'll take a break from bonding the rest of the weekend and let Merlin's ego recover. :spintongue
I just spent maybe 20 minutes petting the Queen as she bunloafed and tooth purred. My arm got really tired, but I felt I should keep it up until politely dismissed. I both love and am afraid of her, and her bristly independence. But sometimes it almost feels like she loves me too.

Twice we saw her and fluffybutts (I suddenly realise I neglected to mention that the fluffybutt's full given name is Mr Merlin Bunniculus von Puffsbottom - remember that) lying fairly close to each other. I hope that means progress. Merlin looks much happier today, although that could be because SOMEONE gave him a whole crisscross fry today at dinner.

We're going to have a go at bonding again tomorrow. Night everyone.
Turns out Merlin is a big fan of undies! He jumped up on the bed to see what I was up to, as usual, and I'd just done the laundry so there was a pile of undies in the corner waiting to be put away. Merls hopped over to it, dug at them, then happily started dragging them around and rearranging them. He was going nuts over it, doing tons of little binkies like a popcorning guinea pig. He looked like a kid surrounded by Christmas presents, not knowing which one to play with next. Oh I wish I could've filmed it! My silly boy.


Something doesn't belong here...
We haven't been bonding lately because I've had such a busy week! Merlin and Sasha are still living side by side and I've just been swapping their stuff every couple of days. They are still biting each other through the bars though. Sigh! Sasha's such a strong-headed Nethie. We're having a friend who I hear is great with rabbits come over on Sunday to see if she can help us with this tough bond.

Anyway, in lieu of a real update, here are pics of the bunnies eating their veggies last night. Of course Sasha made me chase her to the hallway before wedging herself between the hay and rubbish. "Oh! You wanted to give me veggies, I thought you might be trying to pick me up. Why yes I'll have some."



And here's Merlin this afternoon, sleeping in his mancave, his little face twitching animatedly. Looks like he's having a big argument with someone in his dreams.

Aaaagh I'm down with the flu. This is all hub's fault.

Sasha had some dark reddish brown pee just outside her litterbox today. I'm a little worried. She's done red pee once before that I know of, it was a really scary red paint-like pee. I took away her litterbox to observe her pee, and her next one was pale yellow, so I figured it was a fluke. I'm guessing it's dehydration? But she has a bowl in her cage, why would she forget to drink. Gah.

That looks like one of the normal colours to me. Bandy's was that colour a few weeks ago and I also.took.the paper soaked in it to the vet. She did say that if it was red, it would be bright red. That looks like a rusty orange colour. Colour can depend on what they're eating as well.
Oh thanks Chris, that's a relief! I was starting to worry she might have a urinary infection. I have read that red urine is normal for rabbits, but to actually see it from your bun is quite unnerving.

Speaking of urine, this morning I caught Merlin backing up way too far in his litterbox, sending a stream of pee over the side and through the cage bars. It landed neatly in Sasha's litterbox.. as it dripped down her face.

Way to go, you nasty little man.
Urine can vary quite a lot in colour so sometimes your buns urine might not always be a,uniform colour and of course when they pee in the litter tray, difficult to tell. Just keep an eye on her but I'm sure she will be fine.

^supposed to be a hilarious almost-split pic but Merlin moved.

:bawl: Lots of biting through bars and general aggression today. It's hard not to feel like these two are never gonna get along. Merlin's being a jerk and even scratching at Sasha with his paws. It makes me apprehensive for the times when we do have to put them in the same area for bonding. Grawrrrr. You two! One day I'm just gonna lock you both in a bathroom to duke it out and when you're all tired of fighting THEN mummy will let you out.

I may just have to give stress bonding a try, even though I'm 99% sure they will brawl in the pet carrier before we even get to the car.

Here's Sasha discovering that she can jump onto the couch.

Today's post is dedicated to Merlin's feet, because I'm the kind of mum who does embarrassing stuff like that.


When I started looking for a new friend for Merlin, I noticed something "off" about the other bunnies - all their back feet were so slim and long! Like, how do they balance on those baby snakes they call feet?

After seeing enough bunnies with huge long thumpers, I arrived at the conclusion that it was my Merlin who was the one with unusual feet. His feet are short and fat, getting broader at the toes like human feet. I am super obsessed with them.

In fact, his adorable feetsies were what made me set my heart on him in the first place. We went to see an unwanted litter that was going to be sold to a petshop the next day. The babies were all curled up in a big group huddle, asleep. "Get a healthy one," hubs had said. "Don't fall in love with the smallest. They're weak." Merlin was the little grey runt. I wanted not to get him.

But amidst the neat huddle of bunloaves, the little grey runt had one tiny back foot sticking out behind him, short and broad like a human baby's. That was it. I was getting him.

But I couldn't leave all the others to sit sadly in a petshop just because they hadn't thought to leave one foot out! Of course I had to get a second bunny. I picked out a sad looking white and grey fluffball, who would become my big sweetie Rosebun. We had a year of love and happiness that I wouldn't trade for anything.





They are the cutest little fuzzles. They are my everything. I would probably chew on them if he'd let me.

This week is so shyte. Not only do I have like 3 essays due, bubs and I are down with the flu and haven't been able to work on bonding the two naughties at all. Not that we would've made much progress, I don't think. I am so jealous of people who get their bunnies to bond within a couple weeks. So, so jelly.

But here's something I'm happy about. Sasha is SUCH a people bunny. She's come really far along since she first got here. I'd even say she's gotten more friendly and personable than Merlin, who was raised in a very attentive home, thank you. Unlike Merls, who is basically an entitled little brat (we love him for it...really, we do), Sasha is a complete charmer. She'll come up to you quietly requesting some loving, and stay for AGES as you pet her. She'll even graciously accept walk-by pets. Recently, she's started jumping up on the couch frequently to be with us hoomins.

She's also learnt my "Comehereeeee" voice for nummies.

I am soooo ready for her and the Murly Wurly to bond already so we can be a big happy family. It's awful to see them having punchy bitey confrontations through the cage bars. If only Sashy was a bit less demanding, and Merlin a bit less proud. Just our luck to have two dominant bunbuns warring in our home!

Come on, guys. Come on. Be cool.









Merlin put himself away on the shelf like a good little soft toy.


He hangs out in there all the time these days. I guess he likes pretending to be a shelf ornament.

Silly little Merlin!

I hope your week starts to look up soon Laura! So cute to hear how Sasha is a little lady who loves attention. Clemmie's gone the opposite way recently!
Charlotte: Oh, I'm sure Clem's just being a moody teenager who wants her space right now. :) My two boys went through a grumpy stage before they were neutered. It did lead to a minor scuffle or two - keep an eye on your bunbuns just in case!

I'm going to take a leap of faith into homeopathy, as once suggested to me by Sophie's Humble Servant. I can't shake off the feeling that Merlin's been moodier than usual. During his times out he's been hanging out a lot in the TV shelf, in the second bedroom, in our bedroom - like he just doesn't want to be near where Sasha is. Maybe I'm projecting human feelings onto him, but I just keep picking up erratic vibes from his behaviour. My Merlin is not happy. :(

I suppose the stress of having a stranger bunny in his home that he doesn't trust yet must be taking a toll on him. So I ordered some rescue remedy, and I'm going to try it out on both bunnies to see if it helps diffuse the tension any. Can't hurt to have calming scents around! Especially during bonding sessions.

Will report results.
Thought I'd try letting them out together for 2mins to eat their veggies side by side. It did not work out. Here's all the fur left behind from like 30secs of the two naughties being together:



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