Thanks everyone!! Yeah, moving is hard hard hard....on me! The bunnies have just been enjoying the new place. I wouldn't say they're best friends yet, but as Sasha has mellowed out and become more genially accepting of Merlin, Merlin has in turn gotten more cocky and dominant. She still asks him for head grooms, and he still won't give her any. He actually chases after her every so often, not to fight, but kind of to intimidate her or something. Little stinker. Luckily, Rambo bunny Sasha doesn't bite back, she just shakes it all off and is her usual adventurous, stoic self.
Some moving shenanigans:
I found a piece of chalk dropped on the carpet while stuff was being moved. It had bunny teeth marks on it! I interrogated the fluffies, and held out the evidence accusingly. While Sasha sniffed it and left in disgust, my police work was made easy by Merlin, who guiltlessly chomped right down on the chalk again. At this point I would normally be freaking out about him ingesting chalk, but given the insane stuff he's eaten without terrible consequence, I'm pretty sure he has a stomach of steel. Will still be keeping an eye on him though.
Merlin lost a nail, I have no idea how it happened. It was just lying there in the middle of the carpet. No fur or other evidence of a brawl, just a lone nail, with blood on the end, sitting there. Two innocent-looking buns hopping around exploring. It was too thick and dark to be Sasha's nail, so I knew it was Merlin's. I haven't had time to examine his toesies, but I'm really hoping the wound's healed up and hasn't gotten infected.
Sasha bonked her nose on the cage door. I hadn't realised the cage door had swung close. When I went to herd the bunnies back in, Merlin escaped under the couch but Sasha went straight for the cage door, which was not open as both of us expected, jumped and bonked her nose. She looked so stunned and confused. I know it's such a small thing, but I still feel so bad about it.
Merlin loves the new heater. Straight-up loves it. I caught him trying to roll over on his back in front of it. Now he's flopped out right by it. It's summer, the heater is only on a little bit because I'm a cold-hating wimp, and he has the thickest fur coat on out of all of us. Weirdo.