The Crazy House of Crazyness

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Active Member
Jan 22, 2008
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, Virginia, USA
Most of you know of my Holland Lop mix Sylvester... He just turned a year old at the beginning of January. I've had him since he was approx. 8 weeks-12 weeksold. :) If you've never heard of him, you can see my blog that I had when I was a member in early 2007 from when I first got Sylvester by clicking (PS: Turbo passed awayat about 6 months of age. :( )


Since then we've added 3 other Buns to our family..

Next there is Caradock. My boyfriend :kiss: baught him for me on the 19th. I had been wanting to get another Rabbit for about 6 or so months, but I had never got around to it for worry how Sylv would act to the new smells. But, we went into a petstore and I fell in love. He automatically ran up to me and started licking me. Since my birthday is on the 30th and mine and Briar's anniversary was on the 23rd he decided it would be nice to get him for me. So we braught him home! His name was decided on because I call him my "Love Bunny" and I wanted something that meant love or something of that sort. So according to Caradock is welsh for "Beloved". I love how it sounds, so it stuck! :D Caradock is a Netherland Dwarf and probably around 12-16 weeks.


Then there is Brooke & Melody.. My younger sister (age 11) fell in love with Caradock so our Mom promised her a Rabbit of her own. I _knew_ that Sarah would get "bored" of the Rabbit quickly so I figured it might as well be one that I like too since it will become mine eventually. So I contacted a breeder who breeds Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs, and will soon be having a litter of Flemish Giants. Anyway, I fell in love with a Black Vienna marked Lionhead Doe! So did my sister. Then, I fell in love with a BEW Netherland Doe. So we got both!

Melody (named by my Sister)is the Lionhead. She was born December 5 2007 making her about 8
weeks old.


Brooke is the name of the BEW Netherland. She's a sweetheart even though my boyfriend swears she's evil. :crazinessShe doesn't even mind being laid on her back. :)She will be 2 years old on May 27 and she has been the mom of two litters. I think she has the most beautiful eyes!

They're all so cute and pretty and look so sweet!

Sylvester is so shiney and gorgeous!

Caradock is just beautiful and looks a bit full of himself.

I love the little white nose on Melody!!!! and those gorgeous eyes of Brooke's!!

Congrats on the new ones! I fell in love too LOL!
I know, so hard not to fall in love right? :p

Melody and Brooke both got to play in the pen today. I took a bunch of pictures so hopefully I'll get those uploaded by tomorrow. (Which is my birthday!!)
Ok so i have totally fallen in love with Melody how cute is she can we have more pics :)

Also lovin Brooke she has the same birthday as me what a cutie pie
My heart is melting at Melody! She's GORGEOUS! I want a vienna marked lionhead doe named Melody now! lol...wait I'll just bunnap her, or we can trade! I'll give you Sippi for Mel! Lol.
I LOVE Brooke's eyes! I love white bunnies w/blue eyes! She's adorable! I wonder what her babies looked like? lol.

Trade? Sure! :DYou bring me Sippi..and I'll give you Melody afterwards....:p Yeah right!

I saw one of Brooke's babies, a boy, named Jake. He's a Blue-Eyed white too! :p
The tongue says it all..


"Mommy, I must look prettyful."

"Mommys, I behavez!!"

These were taken in the playpen. They have a cat carrier to get in/on. :)

Oh what a lovely blog! Just spotted this on my cruise through the blogs and your pics are so beautiful...well the pics of the bunners that is ;)

My favourite and its almost impossible to pick...would have to be Sylvester..he looks like my Jazzy and I just adore her , even though she really prefers not to handled. Pets on her head are okay but I never try pick her up unless I have to. Does Sylvester like cuddles or is he the independent sort...well I should probably go look at his blog from last year...;)

Lovely buns:biggrin2:
Sylvester's disposition has changed as he has gotten older. He was never the sort of bun to lick me (or anyone else) but he didn't mind being held and pet. Now he takes being picked up as a game, he'll binky away from me, look back and I could swear it almost looks like he's laughing at me.

The only very cuddly bun in the house is Caradock. Cara grooms EVERYONE who holds him, you don't even have to be petting him, just holding him. Every now and then a little nibble will follow but usually it's just a tongue. :DIf you're not holding him and he's out of his cage near you, expect him to climb into your lap himself.

Brooke doesn't mind being held and pet. She'll close her eyes and doze off a bit. She'll even let you lay her on her back like a baby - so long as she's in your arms!

Melody doesn't like to be picked up too much but she settles down shortly after. But she rather be playing than being held and rubbed on for more then 2 minutes, lol! Guess that's her age showing. ;)

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