***Lazy blog update alert!***
Ihad a bonding session earlier, and posted the story and pics in the main forum. I then thought it would make an excellent blog entry, so I dida bit of a copy and paste...
So here it is! You can also read the original thread
here ...
So, I got the idea this afternoon, I was lying on my front near Barney and Snowy's cage, petting them. The barrier was up at Mouse and Chalk's end of the cage, so SnowBarn could run around if they wanted to.
Well, I felt a little bun climb up on my back, it was Chalk- she'd hopped over the barrier! She popped her head round the door of the cage- sort of nodded at SnowBarn, then scrabbled off. This got me thinking...were they ready to be introduced?
So we put lots of old towels all over the bed, I made some snacks of carrot, apple, rocket and corriander, and some hay. I got a spare towel, a spray bottle of water and my camera at the ready.
We put SnowBarn in their carrier and left it on the bedroom floor, went down and got Chalk and Mouse and put them on the bed. Then we got Snowy and Barney out and put them on the bed too...
At first, Chalk binkied over Snowy and Barney a lot, which confused poor blind Snowy, so that ended up in a bit of a chase round. Barney tried to sniff at Mouse and nibble her backside so she THUMPED away... Chalk then jumped down from the bed and back downstairs, so Steve went to fetch her...
They chased each other round a bit, and Mouse somehow lost a bit of fur, as a result of Snowy getting confused and lashing out as Mouse bounded past her. Then Mouse and Chalk just sat at opposite ends of the bed looking terrified, whilst Barney and Snowy laid in the middle, eating the food and hay!
Barney kept going up to either Mouse or Chalk, in a perfectly friendly way, trying to sniff them. But each time they would THUMP! and hop away- Mouse even made a kind of honking noise a few times.
Eventually, Chalk and Barney were sat near each other, and (I'm not sure if I should have interfered like this, but I figured we had nothing to lose!) I petted them both on the head for a while to calm them down. They started eating hay sat really close to each other, and then Barney got closer, they rubbed noses, and groomed each others heads!
Then they sat snuggled up for a few minutes.
Barney tried the same thing with Mouse, and she stopped the thumping, but was still scared and kept hopping away.
Chalk eventually stopped having the dominancy wars with Snowy and they groomed each other a bit. Chalk thought it was too much thouh when both Snowy and Barney tried to groom her at once...
Mouse and Snowy sniffed each other a bit, but Mouse would always get scared and move away. I think that her quick movements confused Snowy, as she can't see, because she tried to chase after her a few times...
Eventually we put them all back downstairs, as I think we weren't going to progress much further today. All in all though the session lasted around 1 1/2 hours! I spent the whole time kneeling on the floor with my head resting on the bed, and they all kept hopping over for kisses and noserubs...
Here are the pictures!
'Woah, woah, WOAH MUMMY!! There's a big bunny here!!!'
Mouse: 'THUMP! Well, I did warn you... THUMP!'
'If I can't see them, they can't see me. That's how it works, right?'
Chalk: 'Do you think we should jump to safety?' Mouse: 'Yeah, I think it's worth the risk!'
'Protect meeeeeeeeee!'
Chalk: 'Ohhh, ok then, kiss me if you must....'
'Hmmmm, mummy was right, you are very lovely, soft and cuddly after all!'
'I don't care how much Chalk loves him now, I'm not kissing Barney! He's a smelly boy!'
Snowy: 'Watch out Chalk, he's my man, and he's back where he belongs now- with me!'
'Somebody peed on this? That's disgusting!'
We might try and do another session tomorrow if Steve has time. I think that overall it went quite well. It certainly could have gone alot worse!
If anyone has any suggestions on how to help the bonding along, feel free to send em my way!