The people there work with the dogs and cats,even though I dont work there I make it my job when I go there to play,pet and make sure the rabbits are happy and have food and water.(they should do it themselves) It's very nice there was this rabbit there not to long ago and he bit a man that tried to take him out,but I tried.(by the way he had not lived with children) I carefully took him out and all he dig was digg at my pants no biting or anything.and about 2 years ago ther was a rabbit and he stayed there for a year.
I'd like to be able to give a home,to a specail needs bun that would be very sweet.
Cynthia will get adopted I'm sure of it,I'll go visit her when I'm there.
I love albino's not to sure why nobody else does,are they scared of em or something?