The Chinny Hour

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She's look great!!! What a lil doll! Ilove the pic of her with Caitlyn!!! I should use some of thesticks that keep falling out of my trees for something like that in theplaypen!
hehe She likes it! She crawls around under it, chins it, chews on it lol She cracks us up

Chinny, has a safe spot. The changing table in the room. She gets under it, whenever she feels unsafe.

Well, thats where she goes when I go to catch her after playtime :? AndI dont want to scare her out of there, so I try to coax herout.......doesnt work LOL

So, I figured Id stick stuff under there with her to see if I could lure her out by dragging it lol

She got mad! She would yank whatever it is away from me, then promptlyremove it from her safe area! Was the funniest thing! She was throwingstuff, pushing stuff, digging at it and kicking it LOL

BUT she does eat cheerios for me now! Maybe Ill get some craisins!

Chinny doesnt like when I stick stuff in her safe spot. So I decided to get some pics lol

Her and the stainless steel bowl........





Then I put the baby rattle in front of her, and this is what she thought of that idea!


She had me LOL silly girl


I love those pics of her clearing the 'invaders'out of her safe spot. I think they are so funny when they get thatdetermined look on their face and won't stop until they finished whatthey started. I think she is such a sweetcharacter.- Jan
Yea, she is a sweetie. Had her out for a bitlast night. She was breathing real fast, but would slow down if Irubbed her ear hehe And she does get a very determined look on her facewhen moving that stuff! :)

Aw, look at that little darlin's face!She wants that stuff out of her space lol! she is acutie. Well, both of your girls are cuties (furry andnon-furry).:D


Thanks! Yes she was very determined. She alsodoesnt like when I put my hands under there. She tried to scratch methe other day. I hate shooing her out, but she wont come out foranything :( I keep hoping as time goes on she'll get better. She justreally doesnt wanna go back in her cage LOL I dont blame her much butstill!

Do you give her a treat when you put her tobed? That could help. Vash gets some oats as abedtime treat. All I have to say is "oaties" and he comes arunning - usually lol.
Im trying with cheerios. She seems to like them,and is eating them for me when I hold it. But she stays under thechanging table! lol Then gets mad at me when I go to pick herup........Once I pick her up, she will struggle, so ends up gettingwrapped in my shirt lol But before play time, she will let me hold her,and sit in my lap and just be nice and calm.......its when I decideplay time is done. And I let her out for a few hours as long as Im home.

And I have started putting a cheerio in her cage after she goes in to. I think I need craisins.....


Here is Chinny playing. I have a box with newspaper strips and she's been pulling them out, and digging at the box lol

Some new Chinny pics :)



She's doing ok. She really loves her salad :) And she will let Caitlynfollow her around and eventually Caitlyn can stop her for a few pets lol

I love the big pile of poo. Reminds me of mybun. She used to hold most of it until she was put in her cage and fed.In her mind now, poo must be saved up until she is let out, then it'sflung all over the place! The litterbox literally has half the poo thatit used to!:shock:
LOL I know! I swept it all up and put it in thebox I have in there for her to use. For a long time she was really goodabout not going till she got back to her cage, but I think she must beway more comfy now! ANd its only a certain spot in the room, so I putthe box there, but she just goes around it hehe

I do too PGG! I had to be kinda sneaky to getit. She was in there by herself and the first time I saw her, shemoved, so I went real quiet and snuck the pic lol

That's exactly what Mocha did, too. She alsostarted getting upset that I was picking up all her poo and putting itin this strange box so she started peeing also. We had this ritualwhere every day, twice a day I would let her out of her cage. She wouldtear out of her room and down the hall and start pooping and thenpeeing everywhere NEXT to her box! I would just keep picking her up andputting her in the litterbox and cleaning for the first half hour or soof every play session. When she started getting defensive of gettingpicked up, I called it quits and just closed the door of her room. Nomore hallway! I'm hoping she'll behave more now that she's spayed.

Hopefully Chinny won't get that bad. I've heard females usually don't get so obsessed with territory marking.

Edit cause I didn't realize I used a banned word!:shock:
Oh my! LOL I dont know if she has peed yet.....Ithink Im gonna try a different box in there. One more like the one inher cage. Which she is good about using, most times.

HOpefully yours calms down with that after the spaying!


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