I guess I will give a little more update/detail on Zoey's eye.
About 7 weeks ago, I pulled Zoey out of her cage because her eye looked funny. After looking at it closer, I found that she had scratched her eye and damaged her eyelid. So off she went to the vet. Since then she has been on oral antibiotics as well as eye drops, she's been to the vet weekly/bi-weekly since and while the abscess that formed on her eyelid has started to heal very well, her eyeball itself is having a hard time healing due to the large damaged area.
At the last exam, the vet showed me the actual corneal ulcer, which is very small itself as most of it has healed (leaving behind scar tissue which is why she is now partially blind in that eye) but on the surface, the eye is not healing. So we have opted for surgery. Zoey will have her eye debride next Thursday and her eye will be sewn shut for a little while to allow the eye to heal. I really did not want to go this route but after seeing how little treatment has done for the eye itself, the vet believes this is the best option otherwise Zoey may be on eye drops indefinitely and if her eye does not heal, she cannot go back together with Mocha which would be a shame.
So positive thoughts for Zoey and hopefully nearly a full recovery. While I know she will never regain sight in that part of the eye, I hope her eye can recover so that the drops can stop and she can be rebonded with Mocha.