The Bunnies of Ten Acre Woods

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Hi Mike, nice cage your daughters made for your Mongo (love the name).

I still can't get over how he climbs. We have 4 bunnies and I've never seen any of them climb.

One of ours Jackie is a real jumper, we have two NIC cagesbeside one another ,one is 2 grids high and the 2nd is3. Well most nites I can hear her jump onto them and when Igo and investigate she's usually on the bigger one sitting like thePrincess that she is just staring at me.

I look forward to more pictures.

My littlest daughter has just joined RabbitsOnly forum, I Think she's Almost as excited about being able to join asshe was about getting Mongo! :no:


I think he really enjoysclimbing but has nevereven tryed to jump upon hisupper levels yet.:dunno:

Here's A pic of All my girls she's The little dupicate Copyof My Beatiful Wife.:kiss:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

What a beautiful family! Im glad your daughter is joining. how fun!

Oh, and with the toys, some bunnies are fine with those eyes, but untilyou know for sure its probably best to err on the side of caution (asyou did). One thing I think I would do to save money is just to removethe could even draw some on if its too creepy with them off ;)
Thank You! Haley

I'm feel like a pretty Lucky Man to be Bless with such wonderful girls.:inlove:

As far as Mongo's Fluffy Friends go, My girls said No way Your pullin Their EyesOut Daddy:shock2:How cruel Are You! :faint:

They Think their Stuff Animals just mightfeelsomething.:laugh:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

A family picture with whatcould be more beautiful? I miss bluebonnets so much...theyjust won't grow here, no matter how many times I've tried. :(

Your family is're right, your girls do indeed lookquite a bit like your wife! What a wonderful family you guysmake. I love that you've both gotten the girls so intoanimals and that they've grown up learning how to take care ofthem. That's so wonderful...not many people do thatanymore. Wonderful! :)

I love Mongo's name, and his home...what a wonderful palace! :)


Thank You! for thewonderful compliments.but the little brunette looks Just Like her"Daddy" And I'm Almost Purty Sure She's mine.:shock2: :roflmao:

Yeah! The girls are homeschooled and smarterthenYour average Bear, :winkand they both haveagreat desire to read andlearn, moresothen the average kid of today. My girls are a grade Abovewhere they would be if in A Public School. :wiggle

I"ve been teaching them all the things my GrandPaw taught meabout when I was growin upon the farm and they aresoaking it all in.

I'm very Proudof them. :inlove: Even Mongo! :yes:

Here Mong's Just Chillin

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

:inlove: Me, Nuggles are in love with Mongo! She is all dressed to impress!:bunnydance:

:idea:privateeyesWhat did you say your addresswas?:devil (just kidding)

Lovley family! Love Mongos name! And I love that bunny butt!:bunnybutt:Looks like Nuggles butt!!

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles:bunnyheart
It's about time we got more Texas bunnies onthis board! My name is Tiny and my mom (TinysMom) is a moderator. Shetypes for me sometimes so I can express myself on this board....likesaying its about time we have more Texas bunnies.

Lops huh? Let me tell you - you need a handsome flemish giant like meto watch out for them. Why, when mom and dad's lop (Puck) was my job to keep him out of mischief - and boy - did heever get into trouble. In fact, I don't know why mom and dad went andgot him a lop girl after seeing how active a lop is....I guess theyneeded the exercise of chasing after another one...

Anyway, you can check out my blog at

and see me and some of my friends...including Puck.


aka The BunFather

P.S. Mom doesn't know it but I like lop girls!

How Yall Doin, What a pleasure ta meetanotherTexas bunny Rustler. :laugh:

What Parts Yall Hail From? :ponder:

Tiny:youaint so blame tiny isya,:faint:butya sure arepurty.:yes:

That there Puck is PlummmmPurty Too.

Nare WayI's gunnabe write allthemthere names causin I'd have CarPull Tunnels when I'sdone.:laugh:and Yessss the Wife Noed I'sAhick when she up and maredme.:wink


How Many in your Herd?:shock2:

Oh!My Goodness! GollieGosh Darn All themBunnies!:pullhair:AFlemishGiant, Holland Lops,Lionhead and Netherland Dwarf's Wow! How do youmanage?:nerves1

MyWife would just up anKill Me,but They are all just Beeuutiful! :happydance

Been AReal Pleasure!

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"


Nuggles is PlummmmPurty.:inlove:Mongo wouldn't be able to cotrol his self,butthey'dsure make Purty Baby Buns. :bouquet:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

I've got new Pics of Mongo for Nuggles to Drool Over. :faint:

Heading Out To Play

Just Look at Him Strut, Thinks He's Something!:laugh:

Now! For the Ladies, Check Out This Butt.:bouquet: Ladies?:waiting:

More of Mongo Showin Off to Follow!:kiss:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Now To Melt All Does Hearts that the BunFather Hasn't Corralled Yet!:hug:

And NowMy :blueribbon:"Tiny Hinny" Again! :embarrassed:

And finally My Uhhh....Elvis Look! :whistling

Till Later MySweet Doe!:kiss:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Nuggles says :thud:somebunny fan me..........

:dancing:Back off does! Mongos mine!!:love
tenacrewoods wrote:

I'm still going to be breeding but "My Girls"and (NotMe):whistlingjust couldn't wait till late January to get ourbreeding Hollands. Mongo will be part of the breeding stock but thisbreeder only had One Lops for sale at the timeand the otherHollandLops breeder that I was in contact withemailed me Yesterday too say he wouldn't be able to provide me with the4Bunnies I requested So now I'm hoping to find Good Stock inJan. at the Montgomery County Fair or the Houston LiveStock Show inFebruary.We will get another Buck from Mongo's breeder in 6weeks.:yes:

We look that little White Snip on his head andit give him Character!:wink


Sorry to hear that you won't be getting the four bunnies that you were waiting on :(

Did the breeder explain that Mongo's white snip is a disqualificationand this may not make him the ideal choice for a herd buck because hemay pass that mismark on to his offspring?

Are there any blue eyed whites in his background? (a possible explaination for the white snip).

On thing for certain - he is a handsome young man!

Yes! Pam

She did explain about theWhite Snipe but in the excitement I forgot allabout it when Iposted the above statement.:foreheadsmack:

My wife and have since decided that any of our HouseBunniesshould be Spayed & Neutered toohopefullyhelp with their temperament.:ponder: Even thoughtMongo's so laid Back no one knowshow he'll actwhen we bring him Home a Playmate :dunno:

Hopefully we'll get A Qualifier Bunny from this new litter in 5 weeksand if not we should be able to find out Breeding Stock at one of theshows we'll attend after the new YearNew Year.:yes:

Mongos Dame is A full Tort but His Sire was A vry light colored Creme :embarrassed:

We knew he was going to be a pet from the momentwegot him so we didn't mind that he wasn't a Qualifier Causehe was just so darnedadorable!:inlove:

We're stillDesiding if Breeding is what we want to Do. That's why we got Mongo Now as a House Pet.

Breeding is such Hard work So this is sort of a Trial Periodto see if Breeding is what we really want to do or just Be Loving Bunnyowners.:ponder:Till the New Year!

Our Breeding Stock will be outside in the Leen-to with a large runsurrounding their own veggie garden. :winkIf that's what wePursue!

Well Here's more pics of Mongo

Mango Claims the dustpan as his own!:inlove:

He didn't want Me to take It!:dunno:

I think Mongo's gettin Fatter.:roflmao:

Mongo will Return!:yes:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Mongo's such a handsome little guy - here'shoping for a nice lady friend once he's neutered. He looks like he'sgoing to give you a run for your money once he hits puberty - he's gotthat "Who? Me?" look down pat already! ;)
Yea! ec

I think your right he's gonna be a handfulas he'snot afraid of anything.:muscleman: HeChined andgroomed2 of ourBishon'stonightand they didn't know what to think but the littest Bishon was hiding,causeI'mpretty sure shedoesn'tquiteknow what the Heck Mongo is Yet. :laugh:Oh!Man the Cameras in the other room. :dunno

Since My Wifes a photographer and has about 6 or 7 Camera's We'll keep one close by from now on. :idea

My 3dogs have lived around baby Kittens all their lives,so Idon't think they'd hurt Mongo especially since he's almost asbig as they are,at least in Physical height but he's never going to beleft alone with them to find out.

Here's A couple more Pics!

Just Hoppin Around!:jumpingbunny:

Mongo's Head Toss Right before A jump! About 2 Inches Over Nothing!:roflmao:

Getting Ready to Run Around Living Room!:wiggle

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"


He is Cute isn't he! :colors:

I was wondering what you thought about my last responce to your ?Didthebreeder tell me thatMongo's White Snip beingadisqualification? It's more of what do you think of thedesision to neutur him and eventually his new house mate and that I'mstill on the Fence About Breeding.:ponder:


He does them ever day when he let out for playtime and he's Sooo Funny.:laugh:

As always the camera's not at hand when he does it!:pullhair:

Mongo's in Love ....With Him self.:muscleman:He'sgazing into the Fireplaces Smoked Glass screen. Maybe hetinks its another Bunny.:dunno:

Mongo Plays with his Poop.:vomit: hahaha! Whatever makes him happy.:wiggle

He returns from a hard day ofplaying.:construction Now it's Time toRest:sleep: Oh! What aRoughLife.:biggrin:

Well thats All the Pics till Tomorrow!


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"