The Bunnies Have Taken Over...

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Oh no you don't.. Alberta is WAY too far.. and company is not welcome... :whistling;)

He he, 6 DAYS!:happydance
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
6 DAYS!:happydance

He's chompin at the bit for it!


THREE DAYS!:pullhair:<---- how I react whenI can't wait! ;)

Uno has a vet appointment on Tuesday at 4:30 for some blood work! WhenI told the lady that her name was'Uno' she replied'Uno, like the game?' and then she laughed when I say 'yes,Unolike the game'.

Oh and I figured out another reason to call her Uno! She is my firstnon-solid colored bunny (considering that technically harlequin isconsidered solid)! Another first!
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Uno has a vet appointment on Tuesday at 4:30 for some blood work! WhenI told the lady that her name was'Uno' she replied'Uno, like the game?' and then she laughed when I say 'yes,Unolike the game'.
Hopefully it's not like ther uno version, Uno Attack, thoughyou could train her, lol. Then shout Uno Attack and she couldgive kisses or something. I always wanted to do that with mydog, but I figured it would freak people out.
TWO MORE DAYS!!! :bunnydance::balloons::party::bunnydance:
How many more hours? :colors::bunnydance::elephant::jumpingbunny::dancing::jumpforjoy::tantrum:

Pictures as soon as you get her home. PLEASE

Susan and the Gang:apollo:
I'll probably get to see her for the first timein about 19 hours! But I told Pet_Bunny I'd stick around until he gotthere so he could see Uno so I'm not sure when I'll be home! I'lldefinitely post some pictures of her when I can!

Now off to get everything ready for the baby girl.
Uno's home! But sorry I only have one picture.She spent close to 5 hours on the road in the last 2 days and shehasn't traveled since her younger days so it's really stressful on her.I'm giving her the rest of the day to settle in but I might snap a fewpictures of her later. She is currently investigating her temporaryhome (a triangular pen with 8' sides). So much new stuff for one day!


Pet_Bunny got some pictures of her that I'm sure he'll post when he gets a chance.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Pet_Bunny got some pictures of her that I'm sure he'll postwhen he gets a chance.
When I get a chance.:D 322pictures.... :camera

I am worn out. Too tired to stay for thewhole show, so I leftbefore BIS (Best In Show).

First thing I got to do, is transfer themtomyhard drives (backups).Itis downloading right now taking about anhour. I won't be able do anything until tomorrownight, as I am busy during the day.
And this is suppose to bea long weekend for us. :pullhair:

Rainbows! ;)
I can see that she's very beautiful, Zoey will have some competition now for being the prettiets girl in your yard/garage :D.

I can't wait to see some more pictures :bunnydance:


The nick in her ear (a buck took a chunk out of her) that gives her personality.

Well she isn't too sure and I can't blame her! Imean she's lived for years with the same owner and then suddenly shegets put into a carrier (she hasn't been shown in years) and shipped 3hours north only to be put in a different carrier and taken home with astrange person. But she is definitely curious!

On a good note she is eating well and pooping/peeing. I think it willjust take a while forher to settle in and I think once she is housedbeside Spice, she will calm down since she is used to having otherbunnies around.
Awww .....Uno's SO CUTE!!! I've officially melted with that grumpy little look on her face...hehe!!

I hope to hear that she's settling in soon...and I'm so glad Spice will have a new girl!! :D

How exciting!!!! :D:D:D

HUGS for all!!

Rosie and the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

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