The Bundersons

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Aww Ben sounds like such a sweetie. He sounds like Neddie. Your bunnies sound wonderful! It's so fun to have multiple bunnies because you get to see all their different personalities. Ben is really cute, but I have to admit that Frida is even cuter! I think I need more pictures of Ben though so I can make an educated judgment :D
Claire...we need pictures..;)
i agree, more pictures ! your bunnies are absolutely adorable.

i'd love to see pictures of your new hamster too ! makes me want one friend and i want to buy an entire cagefull of tiny dwarf hamsters and watch them run around all day. :biggrin2:
I was thinking about Ben and Frida this morning. I was making kissy noises at Toby while handing out craisins, and he was grunting back at me. It reminded me of how you made kissy noises and one of them grunted at you (I think it was your story). Then, Toby went and sat on his little stool and looked grumpy. It reminded me of Ben and Frida disapproving of everything from the suitcase!

We need updates, even if they are written ones! At your earliest convenience, of course! ;)
OK, this is a short update, but it has pics of Benjamin dressed as a lobster, so it is a good one.






He didn't enjoy it much, but he (and Frida) got a papaya tablet to make up for it.
Awe... just makes me want to smooch the little disapproving grumpy lobster guy!!!:inlove: Such a little sweetheart!!

Thanks for the update-pics.


The disapproval is strong with this one! :shock:

He looks so grumpy, but I still want to pick him up and snorgle him! :biggrin2: Adorable update!
kherrmann3 wrote:

The disapproval is strong with this one! :shock:

He looks so grumpy, but I still want to pick him up and snorgle him! :biggrin2: Adorable update!
ROFL! Agreed, this is the MOST disapproving. It looks like a lobster is attacking him and Ben wants this silly lobster gone. He looks a bit purple in these pics as if it's a Halloween dye. So much goodness!
So cute. Big grins for Benjamin's cooperation. Love the lobster appendages. Did they tickle? (those hanging things, brush them off, get them away!!) Smooches from here,
I don't know how I didn't see Benjamin's pics dressed as a lobster before... he looks great, he's such an "actor", hehe - it feels like he's really playing the lobster role.
I hope you've been ok and that everything is ok with the buns too! :hug2: