The adventures of the Bunnylumps!

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I am sure it will all be fine lol u been hiding him away?

Haha well, I actually don't even see him much myself right now since he has been living in NJ for awhile and I'm in MA. We live around 5-6 hours away from each other and neither of us have cars so it's been rough, but I'm excited to move in with him once I finish school.

Zeus seems to be feeling a little better each day. He's grumy with me though because I keep checking on his toe, I'm paranoid that it'll get infected or something so I want to keep an eye on it.
I have a funny Barnaby story!

This happened like last week but I didn't think of posting it till now.

I often give the boys old cardboard boxes to play with. Usually I'll close the boxes all up then cut out a hole on one end so they can get inside. The other weekend I found a random box that didn't have a bottom on it, and decided to give it to them for them to chew on or whatever. It was pretty small, maybe a little bit bigger than Barnaby.

Well when I let them out of the cage to play, Barnaby dragged the box out of the cage. I went into the living room where they were playing, the living room and kitchen are connected with no door, so if I sit on the couch in the living room I can keep a pretty good eye on both of them. Well Barnaby went back into the kitchen for a few minutes, and next thing I know, a walking box comes into the living room!

He had somehow flipped the box over and gotten underneith it. Every once in awhile he would peak his head out from underneith it to see where he was going, then he would go back under and walk around. When he wanted to rest he would just lay down under the box and you wouldn't even know he was under there untill the box started moving again. I know he could have gotten out from under it if he wanted too, he just liked being under there.

He must have done that for 15 minutes or so, I was laughing like crazy the whole time. Finally, he accidently (gently) bumped into the leg of the couch and the box fell off him.

It makes me laugh just thinking about it, silly Barnaby. :D
Maybe he thinks he is a tortoise :pthats fab tho i was imagining it as i read it made me laugh :D

Aww that sucks you are so far away from each other thank goodess for the internet :D
I haven't been online in awhile. My graduation ceramony went well. Chris came over the day before and we spent 4 days in MA. Wednesday we woke up at 4 in the morning and due to tons of delays didn't get to Jersey till around 3. It was a loooong day. The bunnies did great though. :D

Oh, I didn't post about this but while we were still in MA I think someone might have dropped some junk, like chips or something, into the rabbits cage because both of them didn't seem to be feeling well. I left my own graduation party to walk to CVS and get simethicone for them, lol. I didn't give any to Barnaby because he was still eating, but Zeus got some and they both got tummy rubs. By the next day both of them were eating like champs and back to normal. They had me scared there for awhile.

The bunnies and I had a nice relaxing morning today. Barnaby laid on the couch and watched tv while Zeus sat on my lap on the computer. Zeus is so funny, some days he'll want nothing to do with me then other days he won't let me leave his sight. He followed me all around the house today, right at my heels the whole time. When I sat down he either jumped up on my lap, or napped next to my foot. I guess he forgives me for making him take gas medicine!

His nail doesn't hurt him anymore. The whole nail didn't rip off either so it should grow back in time.

I ordered the buns more hay and a new water bottle today from leith petwerks. - Kind of testing the waters with ordering stuff from them before we spend all that money to get them their 3 story cage. I'm excited for that, it'll be fun to set up and watch the bunnies play in it. Of course that means I need to get them lots of new toys and such to put in the gaint cage!

I decided to start introducing them to other types of hay rather than just giving them only timathy all the time. I'm going to start mixing their hay, mostly timathy with a little of something else to vary their diet more. So far they've tried oat and orchard grass. What's your buns favorite type of hay?
Dragonrain wrote:

I'm sure you have been told this before, but the clarity of this shot is absolutely stunning!!! What camera did you use?

And of course, what a darling little guy!!!
That picture should be on a calendar or something! It's great......

on another note: Please keep an eye on your bunnies...... or I'll nap them!!! :biggrin2:
Ya know, I actually don't remember what camra I used to take that. I have a couple of digital camras, none of which are very good! I was surpised that picture came out as good as it did. :)

Zeus is a butthead. I decided to try to brush him today, since he's been shedding pretty bad. I brush Barnaby everyday, or at least I try to everyday since he's long haired. I don't usually brush Zeus because he haaates it. Well he was laying on my lap and the brush was right next to me, so I grabed it and started brushing him some. He promptly gave me the evil eye, bit my arm, and hoped down off my lap.

It's almost Zeus' gotcha day! It's on June 14th, and we'll have had him for 2 years. We got Barnaby on July 13th, a year later so we'll have had him a year in July. Instead of getting them toys, I'm just going to wait because once we move (hopefully on/by July 1st) we're getting them their new cage, and lots of new stuff with it.

Oh, I have some new pictures I took last week! I'll post a few :)

This one's funny. I had lost this hair tie somewhere in the room the day before. I let the bunnies out to play, and next thing I know Zeus is running around with this on his head! I don't know how he got it on there, but he left it there for nearly an hour before it fell off. It was so funny!

And here's one of Barnaby playing with his carrot rattle.
Tomorrow is Zeus's 2nd Gotcha day!

He was only a few months old when we got him, and since we don't know his real birthday, we celebrate the day we got him as his birthday :)

Hard to believe 2 years have already gone by!
I think Zeus had a good birthday :) He got a small bite of cake, so he was happy. Next up is Barnaby's gotcha day on July 13th!

So this is random, but does anyone know where I could get a Jersey Wooly in northern NJ/NYC areas? Chris and I are moving intoa bigger apartment next month, so Chris has already given me the go ahead to start looking for a third bun. We have both admired jersey woolies since before I got Zeus and would love to find one now. And of course I'd love to adopt one, and have looked in some local shelters, but haven't found anyso far. I would love love loooove to get my hands ona BEW, but from what I hear BEW woolies arn't very common.That's just my luck! But serously if anyone knows of any in shelters that are either in my area, or that I could arrange transport from, let me know! Or if anyone can recommend any breeders. I'll be ready to adopt as soon as we move and get the new apartment situated :)
I think Zeus has a foot fetish!

Little Zeus is so funny. He's obsessed with feet! He loves to lay next to my shoes whenever I leave them on the floor in the room he's in. See lookie!


That's a picture I took of him about 20 mins ago, relaxing with my flip flops.

I don't even want to get into how much he loves my fuzzy slippers! :rolleyes:

When either Chris or I sit down with our feet on the floor, Zeus runs over and lays next to them. He even licks mine!
Bleh... why is it so hard to find an apartment that will allow pets!? I'm perfectly willing to pay for any damages, or pay a seperate pet damage deposit or something.

The only reason we haven't moved yet is because none of the apts. we find will allow pets. One lady I called asked me what a rabbit is? lol...and when I explained them to her she was like "people keep those for pets?...Inside?" Jeez...
Lol! Zeus and his foot fetish is funny, I had a Dutch rabbit that had a shoe fetish years ago. She would circle and 'buzz' around them, she was so funny.

That lady who gave the stupid comment about keeping rabbits as pets, geez! :? I'd be tempted to just get an apartment and sneak the bunnies in and not tell them, gosh. That's awefull that you can't find anywhere to live with your buns :(.

Bleh - I don't get it, people (or at least landlords) just seem to not be pet friendly around here.

I called another apartment the other day and got an even worse response then the one I already wrote about. He said pets were okay, then asked what I had. I told him I have two small rabbits that mostly stay in a cage (they actually are hardly ever in their cage, but no one has to know that!) and he said something along the lines of "eww...nevermind!" and hung up! I was speachless after that... I don't get it... he would have allowed a dog or something but not my tiny 3lb rabbits?

I know I could probably just sneak them, but I don't want too. The place we're in now we're not sapose to have pets and it makes me nervous having them here. Plus I want to get them a huge cage, which would be hard if not impossable to hide if the landlord ever had to come in for some reason.

Bleh I dunno, we'll just have to keep looking I guess.

Anyone know any pet friendly areas in NY/NJ? lol... we have to be able to take public transportation into NYC though since my bf works in Manhattan and we don't have a car yet.

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