That's not a bunny!!! That's a Marine!

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You certainly will be added to the prayer list along with your husband, Ty-Bee.

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Can the troops retrieve email? Those pictures of Sebastian and his sister would be great for him to see.

You are sothoughtful! Yes he can receive e-mail and we are in contactevery couple of days. I have a couple of swimming pool shotsfrom yesterday and planned to send the bunny shots too.Thanks for thinking of him!

Just thinking of


Pamnock's brother,

bluebird's brother,

Tramp&Pigeon's husband,

and Ty-Bee's husband

and praying for them.


You're always sowonderful to remember them! Thank you! Bryan is still on target forcoming home in early September, so we are keeping our fingerscrossed!

Raspberry Swirl,

I'm not kidding when I say that every day I see a report about'incidents' happening in Iraq, I think of each and every one of you andpray.

It must stop your heart all the time.

God Bless.


You tell us when that boy has his feet back on American soil.


Prayers continue for all of the above soldiers and their families, and the many more all over the world to arrive home safely.

You better believeyou will be one of the first ones to hear from me Carolyn! The lastindication he gave me of a solid date was right around the time of hisnext paycheck was when he thought he'd be flying out ofthere. That was the 15th. But he's still there.:(

I'll let you know!
Thanks for the prayers Carolyn, they are greatlyappreciated!! RaspberrySwirl, I'mpraying you getthat solid date real soon. The Corps has a habit of changingthe dates 5-6 times, they did that for my hubby's deployment (exceptthey moved it up a month). Well you be sure to tell him Isaid thanks for all he does.


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