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Oh goodness, definitely try to find somewhere that sells bales !:D will save you A LOT of money! I get around 60lbs of great quality hay for $17, and it lasts my 5 guys 1.5-2 months.. so definitely cost effective! I'd be spending hundreds of dolllars a month if I were paying for the petstore bags :).

Most feed stores sell bales, so I would just phone and ask if they do. I love buying in bales, the hay is so much fresher and nicer than the bags too!
I agree with the other posters she needs something else to do in there. There are a lot of things you can give her that should be cheap. Like someone else mentioned toilet or paper towel rolls and you can stuff them with hay. I give my buns some with hay in it and some without. They love to throw the ones without hay. A phone book but be aware she will make a mess shredding it. You can take a shoe box and let her chew and play in that. If you have a bigger box you can cut a hole in it and she can get in but will probably chew it too. Magazines that are nontoxic. Food boxes when the food is gone like cracker boxes. I have taken pieces of cardboard and cut shapes and put a whole in the top and then take string and tie the cardboard to the top of her cage. Just make sure the string is small so she can't get her head stuck in it. You can make the cardboard piece long so it hangs down log enough and make the string small, just enough to tie it to the cage. You just need to make sure it is nontoxic but there should be lots of free things you use around your home that you would just throw away that she would love to have. Hope some of those ideas help.
Why would you put vinegar and water in the bottom of her cage? That's not good at all. :(

Get some Yesterdays' News (kitty litter) that you could use for bedding. Or some kiln dried shavings. I use Rosebud brand from Dels...and they're white shavings. Not sure if you have a Dels or not...

Get a big cardboard((or any type I guess)) box, fill it with hay and give it to her.

Or, if you have a carrier for her fill that with hay((really. Fill it about 3/4 full.)) and put that in her pen. Harper always has his one or both of his carriers((lol, spoiled bunny)) in his cage filled with hay, and he loves digging it them. Once he dug himself a little nest in his smaller one, and the hay completely surrounded him, you couldn't even tell he was there! It just looked like a cage full of hay. Then he'd poke his nose out when someone walked by. It was so cute. n_n
As for free things I buy romaine noodles all the time and the boxes I give to storm to play with one day he will hang out inder them the next he will be throwing them every where.

I buy them by the case full cause me and hubby eat them like here going out of style.

Another thing you can do. Is get a papertowel roll not toilet paper towel. I put storm yogurt treats in the very center. Then put hey all the way around he will try to get those treats for hours. When I need him to eat more hey I do that to.

I got a huge blanket and put it in the bottum of a box. A romian noodle box to be honest. And ever day I take it out and fix it the way I want to. And give that to him at night right befor I go to bed. Its take him at least 2 hours to get it right.

I went a bought this cat toy from wal mart. It was 1 buck. Its was a ball about 3 inches wide I took it apart put 2 bells in it. And made a hing for it so I could open it to put hay in. He loves that thing cause one day I will leave the bells the next day or two I wont so its always like a new toy.

Storm does not chew on these but I only give this to him when I am down stairs playing with him. A old aleve bottle With a few beans inside he loves that thing to.

I also wanted to ask I saw a video of a rabbit plaing woth a treat dispisper on the forum it was there breakfast/Pellets in it. Where can I get one of those

I am not sure how old you are so. I will say it like this who ever buys them. Make sure they get the box when I go I pick up one of the flavor boxxes and fill it with many flavors. I buy then once ever two weeks.

And when I think storm has enough. I just store the other ones including paper towel and toilet paper rolls. Anything if I catch something that I know he likes on sale. I will buy how ever many I can get to the ornigal sale price so say a toy is normally 3 bucks and there on sale for a dollar I buy 3.

I alway have a stash of toys for all my pets. You never know when you will need a new toy. I have a drawer for each animal full of toys. Like petsmart had a big sale on ox bow tunnels out here so now storm has 3 of each. He wont need then for a few months but now I dont have to buy them at full price when he needs them.

So if you find something she really likes wait for it to go on sale. And buy more then one.

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