Thankfully Toots found a home...

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JimD wrote:
I'm thinking that she's more Standard Rex than Flemish.

***adds ninckname....."STEALTH BUNNIE"...***
Definately NOT a Rex! the buttonNose gives it away , She May be part rexand part Flemish , altho I think Your goingto find her to be a product of2 mixed breeds . She is prettyfor sure , and Danielle is right itdoesnt matter what she is,Pretty says it all .
JimD wrote:
...she gotsa big butt.....

Hee hee...

"I like big butts and I can not lie,

you other bunnies can't deny,

when a doe hops in with a itty, bitty waist and a bunny butt in your face...."


Well you go talkin about her having a big butt, and you better believe you'll get bunny foot in da face!

She is SOOOOO Gorgeous! Her coat is so shiny andbeautiful. You best give her the big hug and kiss that Ican't!

:hug: :kiss:

She is one beautiful animal!

Awww, sweet girl!! She's so pretty. Gorgeous fur - like a stealthy black panther.


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