Kadish Tolesa
Well-Known Member
Myhusband and Iare discontinuing the internet -- dial-up isn'tgoing well in this area -- sooo slow and our service has been shuttingdown for no apparent reason. Also, I'm returning to work full time (Mon. through Sat. ) for a 10- hr. shift . My 3 yr.-old willbe attending a daycare for the first time ever !
This is a daycare with agood reputation...they even have video monitors. The cost is 200.$ perweek for the package we are purchasing. I'm so excited
! The director said on the phone that it takesmost toddlers a week to getused to life withoutmom...we called with some questions onour son'sadjustment -- as he has never been separated from me for verylong .
Thankstoeveryone who answered my questions ; listened to my chatter; and helped with my bunnies :bunnydance:. I haveappreciated this forum greatly. Guess I haven'tcontributedalot -- but I've enjoyed browsing people's postsand have learned so much !
Thanks again from Gimli, Epoch, and Melange :mrsthumper:
Kadish Tolesa :rainbow:
aka : Heather
This is a daycare with agood reputation...they even have video monitors. The cost is 200.$ perweek for the package we are purchasing. I'm so excited
Thankstoeveryone who answered my questions ; listened to my chatter; and helped with my bunnies :bunnydance:. I haveappreciated this forum greatly. Guess I haven'tcontributedalot -- but I've enjoyed browsing people's postsand have learned so much !
Thanks again from Gimli, Epoch, and Melange :mrsthumper:
Kadish Tolesa :rainbow:
aka : Heather