Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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TinysMom wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I am so sorry you lost the buck.
Thanks Dave - and everyone else.

I don't think it would have hurt as much if it was a doe...but this buck - because he was a buck and I really felt he had show potential...well...I don't know.

I do have to share that the next smallest buck was a HAM today. I had the door to the cage open while I was checking babies, etc. He'd jump out - I'd put him back in. He'd jump out - I'd put him back in. He'd go to jump out - I'd say "no" - he'd still jump out - I'd put him back in.

He probably jumped out "8" times with me saying "no" the last 5 or 6 times...the last time I said no - he turned around and gave me the butt...then when I turned my attention to the other babies...you've guessed it...right?


With his stubborness I asked him if he'd been talking to his "Auntie Nyx"...

I just got done feeding three of the babies. Oh wow - it is so much easier now that they know how to eat and they WANT to eat.

The little one I was worried about took 15 ccs. Cyrano took 12 and would have taken more - but I told him I'd be feeding him again in just a few hours and I wanted his tummy to settle since it still looked like he had some in it. Then I fed the next smallest baby - who BIT my finger when I turned to shoo Athena away from my leg because she was trying to nip at the spot where formula fell on me. I guess I wasn't feeding the baby fast enough - but they took 12 cc also.

I am going to start making even larger batches of formula. (This time when I made it - I added a tiny bit of pro-biotic in it).

I gotta say - these babies are bringing me joy....I guess that it is better to have loved and lost - than to have never loved at all...

even if it hurts when you lose them.
Awww:)What a cute post. I wish I could see you feeding them. I try to picture it in my mind. LOl. :)
I just wanted to say that I am so so sorry you lost the promising buck. I don't think I could stand it.

Also, I agree with Paul. You are giving me faith that breeders truly can care for their animals like pets and not bank accounts. Working (well, volunteering) at the shelter I get so angry at the backyard dog breeders and all the baby kittens from irresponsible owners. It is a treat to come here and see responsible breeders. Just the fact that you will keep Cyrano (possibly at the expense of another doe) if he can't find a good home speaks volumes.

Hang in there and thanks for sharing the story even though it is clearly painful for you sometimes.
Thanks so much Silvermoon for those comments. The truth is - that I may be keeping another doe because she has nestbox eye and I can't get it to clear up at all. I think she's going to be blind in that one eye (I can't even see the eye most of the time).

My attitude and belief is if I breed and get an ill baby that may need lifetime care - it is my responsibility to care for it the rest of its life. Period. No ifs...ands...or buts. The only exception would be if I found someone who saw the rabbit and fell in love with it and that rabbit seemed to like the person too. Then I would consider letting it go.

But I am responsible for EVERY rabbit I breed - whether that means finding them a good home - or providing them with a good home myself.

And I have some very good news....but first I have to share it by saying that I knwo that my news is good because I handled my babies from birth and know something about their personalities already. It is because of what I know from handling them that I can share this.

I DIDN'T lose my #1 buck - I lost my #2 buck who looked very much like him at first glance.

How do I know this?

My #2 buck HATED to be tranced and would fight me the whole time I tried to trance him. He loved pets - but he hated trancing.

My #1 buck likes pets ok - but he LOVES to be tranced and he will dream he's nursing and even give me tooth purrs if I rub his ears in a certain spot.

Tonight a friend told me to "go play with my bunnies" and I went and did so.

I decided just for grins to try and trance the buck I had left...and he tranced and did the exact same thing he always did. I then looked at him VERY closely and went out and looked at the head/body of the one I lost.

That confirmed it - I lost my #2 buck from Athena but I still have the #1 buck - who is currently having normal poops.

I will have to take his photos tomorrow - I am just so impressed with him.

I held him close and sorta teased him about hiding under his brothers/sisters when I found the other one.

I am really really liking this buck for his looks and his sweet personality. He is so much like his daddy that it his hilarious - he rolls his eyes at me like his daddy does and he responds to me much the same way that Mercury does.

I'm sorry I lost buck #2 as he was adorable and almost as nice as buck #1 - but I am so glad that I have this guy left.
That is great it wasn't the more promising buck, but I still apologize for your loss! I can't wait to see the photos!
Peg...I am so glad everything has worked out for you with that little buck!

BUT....uhm....a blind bunny :inlove:? I want pictures of her, even if in a PM! What is nestbox eye, exactly? I first fell in love with blind animals when I rescued a Shar Pei/Pit mix from a shelter back in NY when I was 12 years old. She was already 4 years old then and just passed away this past October :(. And then Benson (my foster) was my first blind bunny experience. For some reason blind animals seem to be so special and understanding.
undergunfire wrote:
Peg...I am so glad everything has worked out for you with that little buck!

BUT....uhm....a blind bunny :inlove:? I want pictures of her, even if in a PM! What is nestbox eye, exactly? I first fell in love with blind animals when I rescued a Shar Pei/Pit mix from a shelter back in NY when I was 12 years old. She was already 4 years old then and just passed away this past October :(. And then Benson (my foster) was my first blind bunny experience. For some reason blind animals seem to be so special and understanding.
Amy - she's not totally blind - but I think she'll be blind in that one eye. I've treated her and treated her and treated her some more and still yet - can't seem to get the infection to go away.

From a website I found..

[align=center] NEST-BOX EYE

This is usually noticed when checking the kits in the nestbox or soon after they come out of the box. Mostoften due to some irritant in the box, hay dust or some other foreign matter.


Eyelids are stuck shut and fail to open on the tenth day. The area beneath the lower eyelid exudes a purulent milky white discharge.


Use a clean damp cottonbal to gently coax the eye open. Use more cottonballs to clean away the pus. then start treatment with an antibiotic eye ointment. Treat three times a day for up to four days. Also change nestbox litter if/when it is dirty. If caught early mostcases of nest-box eye are curable.
I wish I could take videos and pictures and share more with y'all - but I just can't bring myself to do so right now as I know there are always people who will criticize for something.

But I will update you on the bunnies and hope to take more pictures over the weekend.

They're jumping out of the nestbox whenever they want and binkying around the cage...even the one-eyed girl and the runts. Cyrano was even running around and playing today.

I go over to the cage and open the door and sit there on the floor with them and they come jumping out and try to run around and explore. They will sometimes run to mama and she will sort of nudge them back to the cage or I might say, "Come back here.." in a playful tone and in a minute or two - they'll come running back.

Oftentimes - Athena will come up and sit beside me and give me kisses while I'm playing with the babies - for up to 3 or 4 minutes at a time. So I'll reach over and pet her and she'll pancake down for pets and then when I'm done - she'll start kissing me again.

Ali - I think Athena is going to be far different than we thought she might be....she may turn out to be a love-bug after all.

Anyway - all of the babies are looking good and I'll try to take pictures this weekend and share them with y'all...maybe I'll even set up a play area and get some videos of them playing.

TinysMom wrote:
Ali - I think Athena is going to be far different than we thought she might be....she may turn out to be a love-bug after all.

How ever she turns out is fine. I just can't wait to have our princess home. :hug:
Peg, I'm sorry about the baby but glad he wasn't who you thought he was! Glad to hear Cyrano is doing well. I hope the little girl with the bad eye recovers. Is the eye still shut?

I want to see pictures and video too!
I will think about doing a video or two - its just with a video I'm likely to accidentally focus in on something that's dirty or whatever - and I'm tired of being criticized and stuff.

So I'll think about setting up a "safe place" where I can video tape or take photos and not worry about what folks think.

It is so nice to know that some of y'all care.

By the way - we have a new song based upon the work of Gilbert & Sullivan...

A lighthearted version of "I am the very model of a modern major-general"...

Robin can only come up with the first part - y'all will have to fill in the rest..

[align=center] I am the very model of a modern Flemish baby bun

I like to run and jump a lot 'cause binkying - it is so fun

At chewing on you shoes and clothes you'll find I am second-to-none.

I love to tell hare-raising tales (I'm sorry for the awful pun)[/align]
TinysMom wrote:
Amy - she's not totally blind - but I think she'll be blind in that one eye. I've treated her and treated her and treated her some more and still yet - can't seem to get the infection to go away.

From a website I found..

This is usually noticed when checking the kits in the nestbox or soon after they come out of the box. Mostoften due to some irritant in the box, hay dust or some other foreign matter.


Eyelids are stuck shut and fail to open on the tenth day. The area beneath the lower eyelid exudes a purulent milky white discharge.


Use a clean damp cottonbal to gently coax the eye open. Use more cottonballs to clean away the pus. then start treatment with an antibiotic eye ointment. Treat three times a day for up to four days. Also change nestbox litter if/when it is dirty. If caught early mostcases of nest-box eye are curable.
[/align]Oh, wow....I hope her eye clears up then. I bet you caught it early! Let me know if you need prescription eye drops. I think I still have some left over from Benson to clear infections in eyes. I can mail it off to you tomorrow :).
TinysMom wrote:
Oftentimes - Athena will come up and sit beside me and give me kisses while I'm playing with the babies - for up to 3 or 4 minutes at a time. So I'll reach over and pet her and she'll pancake down for pets and then when I'm done - she'll start kissing me again.

Ali - I think Athena is going to be far different than we thought she might be....she may turn out to be a love-bug after all.
:bunnyhug:AW! That is so sweet! Sounds like motherhood agrees with Miss Athena!

Our Velvet,AKA Flemmie witha Blue-i-tude, was such a sugar cube while Lil' Blue was still nursing. We expected that from Sweetie (hence her name)...but VELVET?!? Maybe all the hormones (pitocin?) helps them mellow out.

And I say...YES to videos!!! Please, please please?

wabbitmom12 wrote:
And I say...YES to videos!!! Please, please please?
But you folks have seen babies binky...

I'll think about it - gotta figure out the best time/place to do it. (I do have an idea though).
Actually - I came up with an idea I feel comfortable with.

I'm going to put a comforter/blanket out on the cement porch and surround the area with NIC panels and put the babies in the play area (or another thing I have I can use to set up a play area) - and then I'll take videos.
Peg, that sounds like a great setup for photos and videos! And I have NEVER seen baby Flemmies binky, so I'm expecting you to make up for the past almost 25 years with some high quality Flemmie baby binks :D
I havent seen baby bunnies binky...I am so glad u have decided to get a video!!! Yeah!!! cuz u need to at leat do it for me ha ha ha.

Peg if I see finger nails on the video i might have to gently joke with u about it...watch out!! LMAO