Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Amy - if i wasn't keeping Remington - I probably would've been offering him to you. Talk about hilarious - I think his name should be Houdini except for the fact I can see how he used to escape the rabbitry during playtime. The thing is - I'd put him back in - he'd flick me off - wait a few minutes (till my back was turned) - and do it all over again.

His sister is a sweetheart. Oh my....what an awesome sweetie.

I'm hoping to take some time today to go over them and get a feel for how many I feel have potential.
Talk about differences in bunnies.

The last bunny I'd weighed (before I just weighed Cyrano) was 14 pounds and 3 ounces.


Well - he's gained 1/2 ounce and is now 8.5 ounces.

As Art put it "Told you he was getting hair...that added to his weight.."
TinysMom wrote:
Amy - if i wasn't keeping Remington - I probably would've been offering him to you. Talk about hilarious - I think his name should be Houdini except for the fact I can see how he used to escape the rabbitry during playtime. The thing is - I'd put him back in - he'd flick me off - wait a few minutes (till my back was turned) - and do it all over again.

His sister is a sweetheart. Oh my....what an awesome sweetie.

I'm hoping to take some time today to go over them and get a feel for how many I feel have potential.

I just have to be patient, LOL! Maybe later in the year will be different or maybe it will take 3 years....who knows! I wish I could come over and just cuddle them to curb my my want!!
Thought I would share...







My new girls are having such a hard time at Ali's....really roughing it. I can tell they're stressed...
paul2641 wrote:
The trouble is will JadeIcing be able to part with SUCH cuties?
I'm guessing she will after last night. She called after I went to bed (and then the battery died on Art) - but I get the impression the girls smelled an intact buck and were honking and thumping or something like that...

Yeah - we're on a NEW page and the blog loads up faster.

Now - I need to find out from y'all what you would prefer to help my blog upload faster.

I can do:

less pictures

smaller pictures (thumbnails that you click on to see)

slideshow (you click on the photo to go see the slideshow)

What do y'all prefer?

I thought about going with a smaller size picture that isn't thumbnail size - but I would prefer one of the options above.
Well - its time for a short story.

It seems like one February afternoon - there were two females in the living room paying attention to their computers. The mom had her headset on watching a tv show - while the daughter had her headset on watching something (not sure what).

Fortunately, the dogs were bored and sleeping by the daughter's chair...so that when a certain teeny tiny bunny came hopping out of the rabbitry and into the living room - they never noticed.

The daughter noticed movement out of the side of one eye - and turned to see this little bunny.

Suddenly the mom hears, "Cyrano...where are you going? What are you doing out of the rabbitry?"

You see - dear, sweet, INNOCENT (cough, cough) Cyrano had not only made it through the bars of his cage...but onto the floor .. and then hopping out to explore and find some food.

Without thinking about the ramifications - the above mentioned females decided that Cyrano was hungry - and put him on the mom's desk with oatmeal and "crunchies" (Cheerios) and some water.

And that is how we think "Cyrano the BRAT" may have been created...and why we now have to keep the rabbitry blocked at all times so that someone doesn't go hopping by the dogs who are VERY interested in him...

Sheesh - for being so little - this one can get into such trouble.
Definitely don't do less pictures! Your blog loads up fine for me, but I understand it might strain those with slower connections.

I recently discovered banana nut cheerios, for myself. They're delicious. I understand the temptation of the cheerio.

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