First - about Cyrano. He's up to EIGHT ounces now. His fur is growing in on his head and feed/legs and even a bit on his back (it almost looks like he has a mohawk cut going down the middle of his back). :biggrin2:
He gets tired a bit easier than the other bunnies during playtime - but he runs and plays just like they do and he tries to act just as if he was a big bunny. :bunnydance:
I notice that when he tucks himself in between his brothers/sisters during nap time - he will give tooth purrs. At first I had thought maybe he was in pain - but I've spent a lot of time watching him - and he's happy when he snuggles in with them - not in pain at all. He will also give me tooth purrs sometimes if I rub his ears and behind his ears.
The funniest thing is that he's very round in the middle - so if he gets knocked over - he's so rolly polley that it takes him a bit to get back up - he has to roll from side to side for a minute and then get his legs under him. :biggrin2:
Anyway- when I put the blockade up so the bunnies can play on the rabbitry floor - he knows how to make it out - and will make it out several times before I can finally get it fixed good enough to keep him in.
Once he made it to Auntie Nyx under a table and tried to hide behind her - but she let me take him back. She did give him a little lick first as if to say, "Nice try".
Now - they take their paw and push their littermate away - or push their head down - and one rabbit even climbed on top of the rabbit at the bottle-SAT ON THEIR HEAD and proceeded to start drinking from the bottle. :roflmao:
The other day I was in the rabbitry with the rabbits and we heard a baby scream. We thought maybe it was the one trying to get out of the cage through a side bar (he/she had made it onto the windowsill) - or maybe it was Cyrano getting stepped on. :shock:
Now we're wondering if something happened to her ear - if another baby stepped on it at the base and did something to it cause she holds it funny - almost like she's an e-lop.
Which is all I need....a flemish giant thinking she's an e-lop...