Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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SweetSassy wrote:
Wow....You have alot on your mind. With Athena. Do you want the same kinda babies againif you breed her to Mercury again? Even though they make beautiful babies. :)Or would you rather breed her to someone else and see what you get?

What color is Hermes eyes? :inlove: I'm curious.
April - Hermes' eyes are red/pink. He is called "REW" or Red (Ruby) eyed white - in the lionhead breed.

Now for a short genetics lesson. In order to get a REW - both parents MUST carry at least one gene that gives the red eyed white. It is a recessive trait - in the fact that you need both genes (one from each parent) to get this. However - the offspring of REWs ALWAYS carry it - because all they can carry on that particular gene from the REW parent - is the REW coloring.

Also - the REW gene - when you have it on both genes (one from mom - one from dad) - acts like a couch cover and "covers up" whatever coloring the rabbit would have otherwise.

Let me give you an example. Let's pretend for a moment that both Athena and Mercury carried the REW gene - and I got a white baby from them. That baby would be white - but it would ALSO carry the genetics (hidden under the white) for light grey babies - because both parents are light grey.

Have I lost everyone? I hope not.

Now here is another tricky one. We know that Hermes carries steel. Steel is "dominant" over light grey - which means if it is present it "should" show itself (I hear of it also showing up sometimes several generations later - so it really is a mystery to me).

However - Hermes has 3 babies remaining in his litter. Two are steel - one is light grey. This means that his light grey baby will carry the REW gene - but NOT the steel gene. The other two will carry both the steel gene (since they are steel) and the REW gene.

Anyway - the decision I'm facing is - do I repeat a breeding I think I'm liking a lot...OR...do I try breeding Athena to Hermes which will give me possibly some steel babies out of her. (This is part of why deciding about steel is so important).

Also - I am remembering that I will be breeding Nyx and I really think I want her bred to Mercury as they are my two best rabbits (in my opinion). Their personalities are "out there" a bit - they're the most...interesting buns with the most curiosity. I have a feeling that will be a VERY INTERESTING litter. Which means that either Hermes won't get used (if I use Mercury with both girls) - OR - he will get used with the new girl. Hmm...do I want steels from Juan's lines?

Yeah - its sorta a hard decision - glad I have time to think through it all.

Thanks Grace - her full name is "Peaches N Cream" because she's a tort otter. We also had "Cookies N Cream" (chocolate otter) and "Blueberries N Cream" (blue otter).
Fancy77 wrote:
lol u didnt loose me but gave me more insight to your thoughts. I know when I was looking into Flemish I had breeders tell me either they breed for show type or for personality...it never seemed to me that they did both. But that is just in the little experience I had.

I am looking forward to the show here in MN...I think in March I hope to see a lot of ppl from RO and of course a lot of flemish :)
Denise - good luck at the show - I hope you really enjoy it. I know that breeders will frequently breed for one or the other - I just like to take both into consideration and then once they're born and are able to play - I like to work with them to "develop" their personalities and encourage them to get used to people and see people as "friends".

A large portion of my bunnies will go to people immediately and let them pet them and stuff - and one of my very best rabbits I ever produced (for lionheads) loved the little girl who also showed her - to the point that he let her dress him up in an outfit and put him in a Barbie car for a pet contest. I understood later that she often dressed him up and carried him around the house...and he loved it.

He's the same buck who litter trained himself and would pull his litterbox to the front of the cage every other day so that I would clean it for him.

Wow...... Lots of info, but I understand what your saying.

Sounds like you can go either way with Athena. You just have to make the decision too what you want. Your right, good thing you have some time to think about it. :)
Ahh my brain is addled I had alot of catching up to do, But all I can say is Peg it is your herd you will make the best decisions for it you see them on a daily basis you interact with them, You know them we don't know them all that well, As you said you have another few months go with what your gut tells you.

My personal opinion go with what is proven if it is your last litter out of the doe, But as I said go with your gut feeling.

Oh and those pictures of Peaches N Cream are ever so cute MOARz please lol!
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Just an idea, but since it's Tiny's Texas Legends, maybe you could name them after Texas cities. Youwouldn't run out of names.;)
[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Texas on a First-name Basis
[/font][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]by Luke Warm[/font] [font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Of the roughly 2,000 town names on the official state map, over 400 of them are first names. Nearly all the familiar names are there, as well as a few exotic or archaic ones. Towns were named after founders, settlers, first postmasters and storkeepers (often the same person), heroes, politicians, railroad engineers, railroad officials, surveyors, lawmen and at least one ranchhand. Many were named after women, although the ratio of male-named towns outnumbers towns named after women 242 to 175.[/font] [font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]

Towns Named after Male first names
: (242)
Abner, Ace, Adrian, Albert, Alexander, Alfred, Allen, Alton, Alvin, Ambrose, Andres, Andy, Angus, Anson, Anthony, Antonio, Arney, Art, Arthur, Asa, Augustus, Austin, Bailey, Barry, Bedford, Benjamin, Bernard, Betram, Bob, Boyd, Brad, Brady, Brice, Brooks, Bruce, Bryan, Bryce, Buck, Buford, Burgess, Burke, Burton, Calvin, Cameron, Carey, Carl, Carlos, Carson, Carter, Carey, Charles, Charlie, Chester, Clark, Claude, Clay, Clayton, Cleo, Clint, Clyde, Coy, Craig, Curtis, Dale, Dalllas, Dalton, Damon, Dan, Daniel, Davy, Dean, Dell, Dennis, Denny, Dewey, Dexter, Diego, Donie, Douglas, Doyle, Dudley, Dwight, Earle, Eddy, Edgar, Elbert, Elgin, Elliot, Elmo, Elton, Ely, Enoch, Ephriam, Erwin, Esteban, Everett, Ewell, Felipe, Fernando, Floyd, Forrest, Fostoria, Frank, Franklin, Fred, Frederick, Gabriel, Gary, George, Glen, Glenn, Graham, Grant, Gregg, Gus, Guy, Hamlin, Hampton, Harrold, Henry, Herbert, Herman, Hiram, Howard, Iago, Ike, Ira, Irby, Ivan, Jack, Jacob, Jake, James, Jasper, Jay, Jeff, Jim, Jimmy, Joaquin, Joel, John, Jose, Joshua, Juan, Jud, Justin, Keith, Kelly, Kent, Kermit, King, Knox, Kyle, Lamar, Laurel, Laurence, Lee, Leo, Leon, Leland, Leonard, Leroy, Lewis, Lloyd, Lorenzo, Luis, Luther, Marco, Marshall, Mart, Martin, Marvin, Matthew, Maurice, Melvin, Milburn, Miguel, Miles, Milton, Mitchell, Monroe, Morris, Morton, Neal, Newt, Newton, Nolan, Norman, Oliver, Ollie, Oscar, Otis, Patrick, Paul, Pedro, Perry, Preston, Quanah, Ralph, Randall, Ray, Raymond, Reagan, Rex, Ricardo, Riley, Rob, Roddy, Roland, Roscoe, Roy, Rudolph, Rush, Russell, Ryan, Scott, Sherman, Sidney, Silas, Solomon, Sterling, Sylvester, Taylor, Temple, Terrell, Thomas, Travis, Trent, Troy, Valentine, Van, Vernon, Vicente, Victor, Vincent, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Weldon, Wendell, Wesley, Whon, Willard, William, Wilson, Winfield, Wylie, Ygnacio

[/font][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Towns Named after Female names: (175)
Ada, Adell, Ady, Agnes, Alice, Althea, Aldine, Allison, Alma, Amanda, Amelia, Amy, Angelina, Anna, Anneta, Ashley, Aubrey, Audrey, Augusta, Aurelia, Aurora
[/font][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"], Bebe, Belle, Bess, Bessie, Bettie, Bettina, Beverly, Beulah, Bonnie, Bonita, Camilla, Caterina, Celeste, Charlotte, Chita, Clairette, Crystal, Daphne, Davilla, Dawn, Delia, Della, Desdemona, Diana, Dixie, Delores, Donna, Dora, Ebony, Edna, Elba, Elena, Elizabeth, Ella, Ellen, Elmina, Eloise, Elsa, Emma, Emory, Eola, Era, Erna, Estelle, Etta, Eula, Eunice, Fairlie, Fairy, Fate, Fay, Flo, Flora, Florence, Frances, Francitas, Gail, Gayle, Geneva, Gladys, Grace, Gustine, Helena, Hilda, Holly, Hope, Hub, Ida, Ilka, Inez, Iola, Irene, Isabel, Jane, Jean, Jewell, Jo, Josephine, Joy, Joyce, June, Karen, Kate, Katherine, Katy, LaRose, Lela, Leigh, Leila, Lena, Leona, Lesley, Lillian, Lillie, Linn, Lissie, Lois, Lolita, Lora, Lorena, Lorraine, Lotta, Lou, Louisa, Lydia, Lynn, Madison, Margaret, Margarita, Maria, Marion, Martha, Mary, Maud, May, Melissa, Mercedes, Merle, Merrill, Mildred, Minerva, Mona, Monica, Mozelle, Myra, Myrtle, Nancy, Natalia, Nell, Ola, Olga, Olive, Orla, Pansy, Patricia, Paulina, Pearl, Peggy, Penelope, Perlita, Polly, Ramona, Rebecca, Rhoda, Rosely, Rosita, Rowena, Roxana, Sarita, Thalia, Thelma, Velma, Vera, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Vivian, Winnie, and Zella [/font]


HINT: We're NOT going ot use the name Peggy.
TinysMom wrote:
Then you have to consider color - which you might think you'd place at the top of the list - and you do need to know some color genetics - but it is better (in my humble opinion) to breed together two well-typed animals that have a decent chance of giving you the color you want (or a color that can work with the color you want) - than it is to focus on color and produce animals of poor body type.


Awhile back I was speaking to an ARBA judge at one of the shows about how the black Flemmies, and how they sometimes have a few rusty-colored patches. I made the comment that when we found a female to be the breeding partner, we wanted to make sure she didn't have any rusty spots. But the judge stopped me and said a very WISE thing: "Body type matters so much more than color. An animal with perfect coloring, but poor type, will never go far. We put so much more emphasis on how the rabbit is built. Color is a very minor deduction on the Flemish show table."

That is not to say that you can ignore color altogether, of course. But I think the judge was saying basically the same thing that you are, Peg: work with your best built rabbits. Color combos are important, but ultimately you want to consistently produce show-winning body types.
TinysMom wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Just an idea, but since it's Tiny's Texas Legends, maybe you could name them after Texas cities. Youwouldn't run out of names.;)
[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Texas on a First-name Basis
[/font][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]by Luke Warm[/font] [font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Of the roughly 2,000 town names on the official state map, over 400 of them are first names. Nearly all the familiar names are there, as well as a few exotic or archaic ones. Towns were named after founders, settlers, first postmasters and storkeepers (often the same person), heroes, politicians, railroad engineers, railroad officials, surveyors, lawmen and at least one ranchhand. Many were named after women, although the ratio of male-named towns outnumbers towns named after women 242 to 175.[/font] [font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]

Towns Named after Male first names
: (242)
Abner, Ace, Adrian, Albert, Alexander, Alfred, Allen, Alton, Alvin, Ambrose, Andres, Andy, Angus, Anson, Anthony, Antonio, Arney, Art, Arthur, Asa, Augustus, Austin, Bailey, Barry, Bedford, Benjamin, Bernard, Betram, Bob, Boyd, Brad, Brady, Brice, Brooks, Bruce, Bryan, Bryce, Buck, Buford, Burgess, Burke, Burton, Calvin, Cameron, Carey, Carl, Carlos, Carson, Carter, Carey, Charles, Charlie, Chester, Clark, Claude, Clay, Clayton, Cleo, Clint, Clyde, Coy, Craig, Curtis, Dale, Dalllas, Dalton, Damon, Dan, Daniel, Davy, Dean, Dell, Dennis, Denny, Dewey, Dexter, Diego, Donie, Douglas, Doyle, Dudley, Dwight, Earle, Eddy, Edgar, Elbert, Elgin, Elliot, Elmo, Elton, Ely, Enoch, Ephriam, Erwin, Esteban, Everett, Ewell, Felipe, Fernando, Floyd, Forrest, Fostoria, Frank, Franklin, Fred, Frederick, Gabriel, Gary, George, Glen, Glenn, Graham, Grant, Gregg, Gus, Guy, Hamlin, Hampton, Harrold, Henry, Herbert, Herman, Hiram, Howard, Iago, Ike, Ira, Irby, Ivan, Jack, Jacob, Jake, James, Jasper, Jay, Jeff, Jim, Jimmy, Joaquin, Joel, John, Jose, Joshua, Juan, Jud, Justin, Keith, Kelly, Kent, Kermit, King, Knox, Kyle, Lamar, Laurel, Laurence, Lee, Leo, Leon, Leland, Leonard, Leroy, Lewis, Lloyd, Lorenzo, Luis, Luther, Marco, Marshall, Mart, Martin, Marvin, Matthew, Maurice, Melvin, Milburn, Miguel, Miles, Milton, Mitchell, Monroe, Morris, Morton, Neal, Newt, Newton, Nolan, Norman, Oliver, Ollie, Oscar, Otis, Patrick, Paul, Pedro, Perry, Preston, Quanah, Ralph, Randall, Ray, Raymond, Reagan, Rex, Ricardo, Riley, Rob, Roddy, Roland, Roscoe, Roy, Rudolph, Rush, Russell, Ryan, Scott, Sherman, Sidney, Silas, Solomon, Sterling, Sylvester, Taylor, Temple, Terrell, Thomas, Travis, Trent, Troy, Valentine, Van, Vernon, Vicente, Victor, Vincent, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Weldon, Wendell, Wesley, Whon, Willard, William, Wilson, Winfield, Wylie, Ygnacio

[/font][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Towns Named after Female names: (175)
Ada, Adell, Ady, Agnes, Alice, Althea, Aldine, Allison, Alma, Amanda, Amelia, Amy, Angelina, Anna, Anneta, Ashley, Aubrey, Audrey, Augusta, Aurelia, Aurora
[/font][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"], Bebe, Belle, Bess, Bessie, Bettie, Bettina, Beverly, Beulah, Bonnie, Bonita, Camilla, Caterina, Celeste, Charlotte, Chita, Clairette, Crystal, Daphne, Davilla, Dawn, Delia, Della, Desdemona, Diana, Dixie, Delores, Donna, Dora, Ebony, Edna, Elba, Elena, Elizabeth, Ella, Ellen, Elmina, Eloise, Elsa, Emma, Emory, Eola, Era, Erna, Estelle, Etta, Eula, Eunice, Fairlie, Fairy, Fate, Fay, Flo, Flora, Florence, Frances, Francitas, Gail, Gayle, Geneva, Gladys, Grace, Gustine, Helena, Hilda, Holly, Hope, Hub, Ida, Ilka, Inez, Iola, Irene, Isabel, Jane, Jean, Jewell, Jo, Josephine, Joy, Joyce, June, Karen, Kate, Katherine, Katy, LaRose, Lela, Leigh, Leila, Lena, Leona, Lesley, Lillian, Lillie, Linn, Lissie, Lois, Lolita, Lora, Lorena, Lorraine, Lotta, Lou, Louisa, Lydia, Lynn, Madison, Margaret, Margarita, Maria, Marion, Martha, Mary, Maud, May, Melissa, Mercedes, Merle, Merrill, Mildred, Minerva, Mona, Monica, Mozelle, Myra, Myrtle, Nancy, Natalia, Nell, Ola, Olga, Olive, Orla, Pansy, Patricia, Paulina, Pearl, Peggy, Penelope, Perlita, Polly, Ramona, Rebecca, Rhoda, Rosely, Rosita, Rowena, Roxana, Sarita, Thalia, Thelma, Velma, Vera, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Vivian, Winnie, and Zella [/font]


HINT: We're NOT going ot use the name Peggy.
And why not "Peggy"? :biggrin2:

I guess I was even thinking about Dallas, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio (Del Rio....obscure wouldn't matter, lol.) But yeah.First names, last names, whatever trips your trigger.
Well - there is a "town" (sorta - more like a blink and you're through it) about 90 miles from here called Dryden. I sorta like that name for a rabbit.

I already have Dallas, Austin & Mercedes from my Californians....

and why not a Peggy? We already have too much of that in this house....I don't want a rabbit named after me.

Hi :p

So I've been catching up on news/blogs from everyone I knew, since I've been gone so long, and I read through this entire blog just now.

Wow!! You're breeding Flemish now :shock: And light gray? That's my favourite, tied with sandy. (Though, if a lilac otter Flemmy existed, I would have to drop everything, find said rabbit, and kidnap it)

It's amazing what you went through with your litters (I'm also especially relieved that the buck that passed wasn't your number one, though I'm still very sorry you lost anyone at all :tears2: )

It's been really interesting to hear you talk about breeding...I've never wanted to breed rabbits, but I do eventually want to breed dogs, and the integrity and responsibility you mention and display so often inspires me :hearts:
I'm rooting for Cyrano to pull through, by the way! *Shakes imaginary pom-poms*
And those pictures and video of babies = SO ADORABLE I COULD DIE.
Keep it up, and don't let anyone get you down!

[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Towns Named after Male first names: (242)
Abner, Ace, Adrian, Albert, Alexander, Alfred, Allen, Alton, Alvin, Ambrose, Andres, Andy, Angus, Anson, Anthony, Antonio, Arney, Art, Arthur, Asa, Augustus, Austin, Bailey, Barry, Bedford, Benjamin, Bernard, Betram, Bob, Boyd, Brad, Brady, Brice, Brooks, Bruce, Bryan, Bryce, Buck, Buford, Burgess, Burke, Burton, Calvin, Cameron, Carey, Carl, Carlos, Carson, Carter, Carey, Charles, Charlie, Chester, Clark, Claude, Clay, Clayton, Cleo, Clint, Clyde, Coy, Craig, Curtis, Dale, Dalllas, Dalton, Damon, Dan, Daniel, Davy, Dean, Dell, Dennis, Denny, Dewey, Dexter, Diego, Donie, Douglas, Doyle, Dudley, Dwight, Earle, Eddy, Edgar, Elbert, Elgin, Elliot, Elmo, Elton, Ely, Enoch, Ephriam, Erwin, Esteban, Everett, Ewell, Felipe, Fernando, Floyd, Forrest, Fostoria, Frank, Franklin, Fred, Frederick, Gabriel, Gary, George, Glen, Glenn, Graham, Grant, Gregg, Gus, Guy, Hamlin, Hampton, Harrold, Henry, Herbert, Herman, Hiram, Howard, Iago, Ike, Ira, Irby, Ivan, Jack, Jacob, Jake, James, Jasper, Jay, Jeff, Jim, Jimmy, Joaquin, Joel, John, Jose, Joshua, Juan, Jud, Justin, Keith, Kelly, Kent, Kermit, King, Knox, Kyle, Lamar, Laurel, Laurence, Lee, Leo, Leon, Leland, Leonard, Leroy, Lewis, Lloyd, Lorenzo, Luis, Luther, Marco, Marshall, Mart, Martin, Marvin, Matthew, Maurice, Melvin, Milburn, Miguel, Miles, Milton, Mitchell, Monroe, Morris, Morton, Neal, Newt, Newton, Nolan, Norman, Oliver, Ollie, Oscar, Otis, Patrick, Paul, Pedro, Perry, Preston, Quanah, Ralph, Randall, Ray, Raymond, Reagan, Rex, Ricardo, Riley, Rob, Roddy, Roland, Roscoe, Roy, Rudolph, Rush, Russell, Ryan, Scott, Sherman, Sidney, Silas, Solomon, Sterling, Sylvester, Taylor, Temple, Terrell, Thomas, Travis, Trent, Troy, Valentine, Van, Vernon, Vicente, Victor, Vincent, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Weldon, Wendell, Wesley, Whon, Willard, William, Wilson, Winfield, Wylie, Ygnacio

Some of the new photos from tonight...







The little blind girl in the coke box...








THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! I just want to kiss and cuddle every single one of them!!Do you need any help with that? (frantically plots for a way to sneak down to Texas and back before family notices I am gone...)

I miss having baby Flemmies in the house! *crosses fingers that Sweetie is pregnant*
The last of tonight's photos....uploading a short video though which is sorta dark - not sure if I'll post it...






This next picture is SO MUCH an Athena look...wow.


"I'm sick of formula, water & milk - I'm gonna go looking for the Cherry Coke Zero"

Everyone give the forum the bunny butt!

Mama is laying under Dallas & Austin's cage - in the litter tray - going, "They can't see me now...right?" while she watches me with them.








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