james waller wrote:
No, not Susan Brown (although I have read a lot of wonderful articles by her). It is Marliss Geissler DVM) from the Bay Area in Northern California. She is retired but manages two Pet Food stores that have weekend clinics. I am going to be trying to contact her to ask about the other antibiotics that people have been talking about for treatment of infections in rabbits.karenladd wrote:house of rabbit handbook/would it be,susan brown dvm.??.she has good info about rabbits,,with one slight- discrepancy-on the diet/nutrition,,she states--a rabbit fed hay 24/7 will never go hungry.//.rabbits don,t live on hay alone,,and per webster,,hay=grass,clover-or the like-cut and dried-for fodder,,so as i found out-- hay is a mis-leading term,,if one is discussing-grasss-(non-digestible fiber)-alfalfa/clover is digestible fiber--,, i emailed house of rabbit but they ignored me,,,imagine that..,,terramycin(tetramyicin)- was my freudian slip,,it is obviously mis pronounced,,anyway,,it appears to be used on feline and lagamorphs....sincerely james waller:wave::rose:james waller wrote:tetramyicin is an-antibiotic ointment for feline conjunctivitis,,has the veteranary-medical assocciation approved this for use in rabbits.??james waller:wave:
Not sure, but it has been prescribed by two vets that use...one of whom contributed to the writing of the House Rabbit Handbook...so she's familiar with rabbits.inkbouce::bunnydance: