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What kind of a program do you use to make theseadorable avatars? I would like to do some but don't know if I have theright software. If you have a moment to give a brief explanation Iwould really appreciate it! You guys Rock!

Fergi's mom
Elf Mommy wrote:
I know he has one already...

but what would our Christmas be without an Angel for the top of the tree?


This is a perfect representation of my beloved Sebbie...

You're awesome, Elf Mommy.
I use a program that is no longer made, calledMicrosoft Photodraw. You can do anything I'm doing, though, with abasic Adobe Photoshop program. :DI'm just comfy with myPhotodraw, and hate to give it up.
I use 2 programs because both were free things that came with something else and they don't have all the features.

I use MGI PhotoSuite 4 and PhotoImpressions 3.0.
I have adobe photoshop CS, Can you give me anidea of what I would look under for those things or do you guys drawthem all yourself? Import images? If you don't have the time to explainI understand. I will mess with it and eventually figure it out. I justnever use it for anything other than shrinking pics down to size foravatars!

Fergi's mom
I simply search for suitable pictures I want touse on the internet, like a Santa hat, or the Grinch. I save it to mycomputer and then I get a rabbit or another animal photo and dependingon what I want to do, I use the erase feature and zoom in really far toerase unwanted things in the picture. Then I layer pictures and savethem. For example, my avatar is 3 layers, the first is Mocha's head,the second is the Grinch hat and chimney stuff, and last is the skybackground.
Fergi wrote:
Ihave adobe photoshop CS, Can you give me an idea of what I would lookunder for those things or do you guys draw them all yourself? Importimages? If you don't have the time to explain I understand. I will messwith it and eventually figure it out. I just never use it for anythingother than shrinking pics down to size for avatars!

Fergi's mom
Fergi's Mom,

I dont know how much help I can be since I've juststarted using this software. I use Ulead Photo Explosion. It comes withcropping, resizing, and all the little hats and other things todecorate the pics with.


mambo101 wrote:
Can you make a santa hat one for Stephie? One of the pics inmy last Stephie photorama thread would work. Thanks.

It's not a hat. I couldnt get any of mine to fit right. :?Iwas just playing around so you dont have to use it. :DStephieis so pretty!




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