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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Christine (u8myhouse) made it for me :D

*edit* ooooooh, it looks awesome! Thanks, Steen!!

Christine, You ROCK! :dude:

Those avatars are Gorgeous! Blow them up so I can see them better.

* * * * *

You and m.e. have added so much fun to this forum since you joined.It's truly an honor to be penpals with you. I get a big kick out ofeach of you. You've both taught me, made me laugh, and touched my heartwith your compassion.

Thanks for all you do, u8myhouse and m.e.

:dude: :dude:

Now my ego's gonna grow :p Thanks, Carolyn, you're not too bad yourself ;)

I don't have the large version, Christine made it and put it up for me (we're very trusting friends).
I can never change my dang avatar, it always tells me its "too big" even when I shrink it down to one pixel!!! :X:X:X


I really think of you two as sisters, m.e. Soul Sisters.

* * * * * *

It's true what I said. I don't get a chance to read all the postsbecause this board moves so fast, but when I see you've responded toit, I know that the person writing it is in good hands.

Here are the blown up versions sans backgrounds....:D




I'm not good at expressing myself when it comes to emotional matters, but it means a lot that you say the things you do...

Though your not helping my ego;)

'Sup, soul sista!


Those are really nicely done...at least one of us has free time.
Can you make me an Xmas avie??? Theres tons of pics of my buns on this forum to choose from. :D

Thanks for blowing them up so that I could see them.


Thanks!! Can't wait to see mine!! Maybe somehow you can put Meg and Peppy into one picture
Here's the new avatar I made for precious. Now I have to figure out how to get it small enough.



Jan, hit yourrefresh key at the top of your browser. F5 also works. You have torefresh every so often to show all the new stuff!

I love avatars, I wish all the message boards Iwent to had them. Everyone's look so good! I love reading a thread andseeing all the buns off to the side in their holiday garb. This boardis just too cool!


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