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Um no thanks.

If I can do a search I will. My hubby's dad was watching tv adn they were talking about hotdogs and italian sasage. Well brace your self but it is true.

In them two the take any left overs from pigs like snouts, hoofs, ears, organs and mix it all up with very little meat and turned them into hotdogs and italian sasage.

I am serious. when I heard I gave up hot dogs and I am working on giving up ground meat.
Ick. I guess If you have leftovers from the pig, you should use them, wouldn't want to waste any part that could be used. That doesn't bother me, it's still a pig if it's the nose or ribs. I've also heard something about the '100% beef' for Mcdonalds burgers.. they said 100% beef was the name of the company they get the meat from, not actually garuneeting that what you eat ispure,but I think that's a myth. Ick...I hate fastfood!