Well-Known Member
I had been wanting a Tan since about
November or December. Even before that I had been looking at them and
admiring them. The trouble was that there really aren't many breeders in
Alberta or the rest of Canada. It seemed like I would never be able to
get one as I really could not afford the costs to ship a rabbit and
didn't have the connections to get one transported otherwise.
In May, I found out that some other breeders were going to a show in
Washington. The breeder who I wanted to get a Tan from was also going
and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to finally get a Tan. I
arranged for the transportation before contacting the breeder to make
sure there was space. I then contacted Bonny Wagoner of Urban Rabbits
(http://urbanrabbits.net/) . She offered me 2 Tan bucks. Originally, the
plan was for me to keep one and the other to maybe go to another club
member if they were interested. No one seemed to want one and the more I
thought about it, the more I wanted both. I decided to get both of
them. Since the show was not until June 25, I still have a few weeks of
waiting before they would get here.
Tesla was almost 1 year old when I got him. He is very friendly and has
had no issues settling into his new home. He really seems into me and
whenever I walk into the room he perks up and runs over to see what I am
doing and to hopefully get some attention.
He has been doing quite well with rabbit hopping so far. He lacks a bit
of focus, but this seems common with Tans. Once he got to understand
the course, he was doing better. He seems to prefer to just run around
and see what is out there to explore.
I have high hopes for him. With some more work, he should be blasting
through the course.
Tesla's name comes from the inventor, Nikola Tesla. I really got the
inspiration from the show Sanctuary. If you ever watch it, you will
know who he is named after and why. If you ever come to an event, Tesla
is the Tan with the Black harness.

November or December. Even before that I had been looking at them and
admiring them. The trouble was that there really aren't many breeders in
Alberta or the rest of Canada. It seemed like I would never be able to
get one as I really could not afford the costs to ship a rabbit and
didn't have the connections to get one transported otherwise.
In May, I found out that some other breeders were going to a show in
Washington. The breeder who I wanted to get a Tan from was also going
and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to finally get a Tan. I
arranged for the transportation before contacting the breeder to make
sure there was space. I then contacted Bonny Wagoner of Urban Rabbits
(http://urbanrabbits.net/) . She offered me 2 Tan bucks. Originally, the
plan was for me to keep one and the other to maybe go to another club
member if they were interested. No one seemed to want one and the more I
thought about it, the more I wanted both. I decided to get both of
them. Since the show was not until June 25, I still have a few weeks of
waiting before they would get here.
Tesla was almost 1 year old when I got him. He is very friendly and has
had no issues settling into his new home. He really seems into me and
whenever I walk into the room he perks up and runs over to see what I am
doing and to hopefully get some attention.
He has been doing quite well with rabbit hopping so far. He lacks a bit
of focus, but this seems common with Tans. Once he got to understand
the course, he was doing better. He seems to prefer to just run around
and see what is out there to explore.
I have high hopes for him. With some more work, he should be blasting
through the course.
Tesla's name comes from the inventor, Nikola Tesla. I really got the
inspiration from the show Sanctuary. If you ever watch it, you will
know who he is named after and why. If you ever come to an event, Tesla
is the Tan with the Black harness.