Territorial Wee?

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My boyfriend is VERY strange. He HATES to have bare feet. The only places in the house where he doesn't have socks is in the bathroom (after a shower) and the little path from the bathroom, across the hall, into our bedroom, and into the closet (where the clean socks hide!). Funny thing is, the closet is on my side. No accidents there :p. Toby does like to sleep/nap on Will's side of the bed under the night stand. Toby was hunkering down by me last night when I was sitting on the bedroom floor. He was a perfect bun-loaf! I didn't get a picture, though. He was sitting there for over a half an hour like that. :( As soon as Will walked in, Toby hopped up and watched him walk across the room.

He's getting better with the potty issues. He is going wee in the litter pan now, so that takes care of the nasty part of the mess. He does have pooping fiestas, still, but I don't mind that as much. I recently invested in a hand-held whisk broom and dustpan from the dollar store :D. I mean, it's pretty much all hay, right? :cool: Will still doesn't like it, 'cause he doesn't look where he's walking. Then he has to change into clean socks lol.

That man and his darn socks... Personally, I'm barefoot as often as I can be (lately, that has been 95% of the time :D).
Ha! That was a disaster! I tried the litter pan on the bed... He pulled it over, nudged it around, then poo'd on the litter that was all over the bed. Will was NOT happy. I thought it was hilarious. He's been doing great since that, though. He will hop up onto the bed and leave a present or two on Will's side. We've learned to deal with it and spray the comforter with anti-urine/feces spray for pets.

Toby has been doing pretty good lately. I will only find a pellet here or there, and very rarely I will find a pee-spot less than the size of a quarter. So, overall, I think our "wee" problems might be fixed! :D I started putting hay in his litter pan that's on the floor, and he nibbles the hay while sitting in there. I never thought of that before! :foreheadsmack:
That's what we have too. It's the super-liquid resistant hypo-allergenic one. It's crinkly at first when you sleep on it, then you get used to feeling shrink-wrapped haha!
Ugh! Just when I thought everything was OK, and the wee problem was over with... HE DID IT AGAIN! :censored2:

I figured out what triggered it this time, though. I vacuumed around his litter pan on the floor, and once all the extra litter was off the ground, Toby poo'd all over! These were some massive piles! He also "re-marked" around by the pan, too. Lots of cleaning for me! :grumpy:

THEN, he was mad after I brushed him (I don't blame him for that, though). It seems like he is "missing" the litter box on purpose! He leaves his little "surprises" within four inches of the litter box! GAH!


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