Temperments Of Netherland Dwarfs?

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i have a nerthlqnd dwaf bun hes the cutest lilbun never, he listerns to me, easy to train, floes me and just gr8!!!and me gilrs who are min dwaf lps dont lol , they do what they wantreally!! lol

but yer i think nerthlands are gr8 lil buns and would never change them!!!!! i will post pic of him soon for ya all!!
my bun is the cutest little thing and neverboring! she is quite aggressive... she's bitten me twice drawing bloodand gives me lots ofscars:Xi spend a lotof time crawling under the sofatryingto catch herfor bedtime (she gets 4-5 hrs of free roam in the basement) or atimeout for punishment cuz she'll never give herself in even for atreat. but she loves coming to me for pets and gives me as many bunnykisses as i want :p.At night time i let her jump upon my bed to snuggle and drink water out of my cup.. but i don't lether sleep w/ me cuz she'd pee all over me. i do expect hertomellow out a bit when she gets spayed.
My Netherland Dwarf is the double of the oneabove. He is so cute; the most placid of all the buns. He will evenplay with the other unspayed bucks and not bite. Never bitten me, butnot Ken's friend much! He's on the avator with Storm (grey buck,unspayed!) and Oz, the guinea pig.

The only un-cute thing about him is his name...embarrassing too! He'scalled Saddam! There is a reason, bear with me! We couldn't think of aname, and in jest, said, 'What's the most inappropriate name you canthink of for such a lovely bunny?' And viola. Poor Saddam! :shock:
LindseyandKen wrote:
My Netherland Dwarf is the double of the one above. He is socute; the most placid of all the buns. He will even play with the otherunspayed bucks and not bite. Never bitten me, but not Ken's friendmuch! He's on the avator with Storm (grey buck, unspayed!) and Oz, theguinea pig.

The only un-cute thing about him is his name...embarrassing too! He'scalled Saddam! There is a reason, bear with me! We couldn't think of aname, and in jest, said, 'What's the most inappropriate name you canthink of for such a lovely bunny?' And viola. Poor Saddam! :shock:
You should of picked a better name for your lovely bunny.Yourbunny is to lovely and to cute to have that name.Saddam is the devilhim- self and there is nothing lovely or cute about that man.I'm notsaying this to you to be mean to you,but your lovely bunny needs tohave a better name.You can't compare your sweet little bunny to thatdevil him self Saddam.
crescent wrote:
my bun is the cutest little thing and never boring! she isquite aggressive...

Wow, I have an identical twin as well, right down to the little tuft ofwhite on her head. :) Does yours havelittle white hairs all over her body, too?

Of course I think she's adorable. :)

Pipp wrote:
crescent wrote:
my bun isthe cutest little thing and never boring! she is quite aggressive...

Wow, I have an identical twin as well, right down to the little tuft ofwhite on her head. :) Does yours havelittle white hairs all over her body, too?

Of course I think she's adorable. :)

Here is a picture of my Pepper and he looks like your rabbit,MyPepper has white markings on him and inon his noseas you can see in the picture,My Pepper is 2 years old and weighs 3 1/2lbs.He is a very sweet and affection rabbit.

Here's Pipp... (can't make it smaller, sorry, she ate my photo program)
Pepper wrote:
LindseyandKen wrote:
My Netherland Dwarf is the double of the one above.He is so cute; the most placid of all the buns. He will even play withthe other unspayed bucks and not bite. Never bitten me, but not Ken'sfriend much! He's on the avator with Storm (grey buck, unspayed!) andOz, the guinea pig.

The only un-cute thing about him is his name...embarrassing too! He'scalled Saddam! There is a reason, bear with me! We couldn't think of aname, and in jest, said, 'What's the most inappropriate name you canthink of for such a lovely bunny?' And viola. Poor Saddam! :shock:
You should of picked abetter name for your lovely bunny.Your bunny is to lovely and to cuteto have that name.Saddam is the devil him- self and there is nothinglovely or cute about that man.I'm not saying this to you to be mean toyou,but your lovely bunny needs to have a better name.You can't compareyour sweet little bunny to that devil him selfSaddam.
I soknow! I totally hate that name but he answers to it: my boyf. found myhorror extremely amusing and it's stuck. I get so embarrassed tellingthe vet his name and go red every time someone asks me.... Nocomparisons intended, honestly, just that we were watching the news andjoked about an inappropriate name, and it stuck. :?Poor bunwent months without a name as none suited him, and Saddam had beenfixed cos he answered to it. That's why my beautiful snake is calledDoris. :shock:And the cat is called Pud. Names that i hatebut they seem to pick themselves: I always choose exotic, Gothicallyinspirednames but the animals won't keep them!!! Sorry ifthis bunny name offends anyone.....it took me months to admit it to theforum!
Our daughter's ND, Levi, is a bugger.After eight years, he still will only accept affection on his terms and more often than not will show you the soles of his feet than to come to you, unless for treats.

Trying to hold him when he is not in the mood can lead to nips and wild thrashing about until he is released. He is not terribly inquisitive and more of loner than most single buns I've seen.

Based upon his personality I would be loathe to make ND a first choice for myself. We've had much better luck with mixed breeds and Dutch, if you insisted on a pure breed.


As you can tell everyone has their own experiences with NetherlandDwarfs. Some people enjoy them while others stick them at the bottom oftheir list. Keep in mind that if you ask this particular question aboutanother breed you will most likely get the same response.Different people have different experiences with differentbreeds. There are 45 breeds(well more but just what ARBArecognizes) to choice from out there that meet someones personailityand wants. The best thing to do is find a breed that you have yourheart set on and give it a try. The breed you choose may work well foryou even though it hasn't been the best for others. :D
Crescent, what type of bun is yours (coloring)? I ask because I think my boys could almost be twins.

Here are a some pics to show them:


Side view of Tio

Kyo with Tiny (Flemish)

Kyo in the hay bag

Kyo in his litter box (he uses it as a bed)

TinysMom wrote:
Crescent, what type of bun is yours (coloring)? Iask because I think my boys could almost be twins.
The Netherland Dwarfs you posted are Black Silver Martens :D
Wow, thanks for all your replies!I'dguess their hyperness has given them a bad name andprobablynot their personallities. All in all, it sounds likea lovely rabbit and a lovely pet! I'll just have to go down there andcheck them out! :D

Dwarf Angel 04: At this point, I'm not sure what the bunny's age willbe, but if it's an adult, I'll ask for a trial period with the bun so Ican get to know it first! Thanks!

Pipp: Awe, she's adorable! --And hey, stuffing hey into the toilettubessounds like something I'd like to try!I stuffa towel tube with a cat bell for Dusty to thrash around.

Barney_I_luv_u: Too bad she doesn't like to snuggle :( My Dusty is aLop, and he's not much of a lover either. It's a fun creature to watchthough. :)

MummyBunny: Awe, now that's exactly what I'm hoping for,right down to snuggling with your lop, which is what I have now!

Bluebird: The breeder claims to breed for the rabbit'stemperment in addition to their looks. This is good sofar:)

Our Pepper is so sweet & loveable.He's akeeper in my book and he's a netherland dwarf.I wouldn't trade him infor anything else.
TinysMom wrote:
Crescent, what type of bun is yours (coloring)? Iask because I think my boys could almost be twins.
Dwarf Angel is right, she's a black silver marten. Tio and Kyo look just like her!! they're so cute!