Tell Me Your 3 Favorite Books

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Yeah I know I just thought of another. Lamb: The Gospel According to Bif. Good humorous book and I've been meaning to check out more of Christopher Moore's work but keep forgetting.

Plus I don't tend to buy books I don't love, except a few here and there (ie Twilight series).
It's hard for me to pick things without a category so here it goes:

1. I do not know where I would be without the Harry Potter series. I have always had my nose stuck in a book, but as a child, this was the first "popular' series I read and allowed me to connect with so many people.

2. Either The Great Gatsby or The Catcher and the Rye. As a future English teacher I suppose I have to love them, but I strongly urge anyone turned off by either of these in highschool to take a second look. It wasn't the book, it was how it was taught, I promise.

3. The Kite Runner or The Red Tent. Each one, though fairly popularized, deserves every bit of recognition it has. I've thought of both years after putting them down.

I love love love John Green (any other nerdfighters out there?)

I also love John Steinbeck. I am now 21, but at 13 I went through this huge Steinbeck phase (East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, The Red Pony, On the Road with Charlie) I'm hoping to read them again soon and see if I still connect in the same way.

Ps I'm gonna give Watership Down a second chance because of you guys. I had the most amazing teacher in the 8th grade, but for some reason when we read Watership Down I just wasn't having it (I think it was the last book before summer.)

Oh! And how could I forget my life long love for Tolkien?
^^^I love the Kite Runner! It's on my list too. It is a fantastic book I think everyone no matter age (adult of course) or gender should read.

I have The Red Tent on my shelf and still haven't gotten around to reading that one. I'll get it done!

I did like The Catcher and the Rye but it's not my fave. Do agree it's worth reading again after you've read it in school.
Ooooh I also like Steinbeck. Takes me a while to get thru his books. I've gotten about half way thru East of Eden. I really just need to sit down with it again and not get distracted.

You know I did not like The Catcher and the Rye. The main character annoyed me haha. I did read it after I got out of high school.
Wizards first rule-Terry Goodkind and most of the series as well
one for the money-janet evanovich and the rest of the series (hilarious books)
and Stephen cosgroves serendipity series. Never grew out of those and they're good messages even for adults.

Have to try watership down again. So many people like it but I could never get into it
Catcher in the rye shocked me. Basically because the version I read had the last page ripped out. I didn't know the true ending for years! I was apalled when I found out!
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
(Sardonic and awesome/awful/beautiful)

Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
(One of the very first animal rights books: lovely writing that allowed me to connect as a kid, and a strong moral/ethical message that resonates as an adult... just finished it again the other day and it still makes me cry)

Robertson Davies/ Carl Hiaasen tie up the 3rd place :)

( Loved Watership Down! Was also meaning to go back and read the Great Gatsby again- Sometimes a book isn't right for someone the first time they encounter it... not ready to read it, or it doesn't resonate... I try to go back and visit the ones that didn't speak the first time - must be something in them that everyone else enjoys, right?
:) )

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