Teeth Removal

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
Can a rabbit function normally without it's front four teeth?

I have a friend that has a rabbit who has always had rapidly growing teeth, and she needs to take him to the vet to get them filed down reguarly so he stays healthy. Recently she took him to the vet and they said that his teeth are growing up into his tear duct and making his eye become infected. She's going to send him to a specialist to get looked at, and he may need his front four teeth removed.

She also said that if this happens they will have to put him down, because "it will be the kindest thing to do". This didn't sound right to me? My friend said that her mother said this, not the vet, but her mother might send the rabbit away to get put down while she's on holiday. :shock:

The putting down part didn't sound right to me. Would a rabbit still be able to have a normal diet without it's front four teeth?

I think there are some members on here whos rabbit have the front 4 teeth removed....But i'm not 100%. I think they can but there hay and greens and pellets need to be broken up into small peices.....Or maybe they get a pellets mush. I wouldn't think It would need to be put down and don't think that's wise having him put down whilst she's away. That's happened to me and it's really horrible to have them removed.....I'm sure someone will come along and write some 100% accurate stuff:)
Actually it's all 6teeth (something to be aware of because the charges of dental extractions are ususally based on the number of teeth extracted). The difference in a rodent and a lagomorph is that lags have six incisors. There are four on the upper arcade and two on the lower arcade. We have had incisor extractions and have another scheduled for Jan 8. Best thing we can do for maloccluded incisors. It is a very difficult surgery. Your friend should plan on about 72 hours of stressful recovery.....and aggressive narcotics should be used for at least 5 days. The only husbandry modification is that they won't be able to tear greens so any greens/veggies will have to be cut up into small pieces. Other than that, their lips are prehensile like a horse, and they will quickly learn to pick up pellets with no problem at all.

I didn't deal with the sugery. That was when he was with the rescue.

I posted this not long ago.

For those who wonder
Dallas the toothless wonder
My Max had all 6 front teeth removed and he does just fine. He is able to eat hay and pellets my picking them up with his mouth/tongue and then chewing with his molars. It took him a while to be able to do this (he had to be on pellet slurry for about a month while he was healing) but now he eats like any other bunny. I do have to cut up his veggies for him but thats it.

Please forward your friend some articles on rabbits without teeth. He can live a healthy and full life without them!


Heres our RO thread on Teeth: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=11901&forum_id=10

and a few good articles:



Rabbits can definatly live fine without their teeth. I have not had one that had to have it's teeth removed, but I had an elderly guy whose teeth had fallen out due to poor nutrition. He did fine, he just couln't eat hay like other rabbits can. I hope your friend is able to convince her mother that it is absolutely not neccesary to put him down, he could live many more years that way with no problem.

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