Teeth length question

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Hi Mummel!! Glad to hear Cookie's trim went well!!

Mummel & Crazy Lop Lady :)biggrin2: just kidding, Fran :biggrin2: ), how does the vet hold your bunnies when they're getting their trims? Bunny burrito? Tranced? I just had a thought, if I know the best position to hold a bun to trim its teeth (with the bun being awake), then maybe I can practice holding Hans in this position.. and hopefully in time, he will get used to it and won't struggle when the vet holds him.. and he can get his teeth trimmed without being sedated.. worth a shot?

Jade Icing, are Ringo's and Wyatt's teeth like Hans'? With an underbite? I'm just curious how hay & chew toys can keep teeth like that under control, if the top and bottom incisors aren't touching? My vet said the same, to give tons of hay and chew toys.. and hopefully Hans' teeth will be ok after the first trim. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes!!
ha ha i should change my SN to CrazyLopLady,lol!!!!!!!!!

well in the pics that was the first vet that we used and we dont go there any more, but they just put him on the table and kind of hang on top of him , then put his hand around the mouth and inbetween the front and back to block the tongue and pull the lips back. The vet i go to now puts a towel on the table and does sort of the samething. Sooty hates being held and picked up, so i could not trance him, boy thatwould probably be easier. When i did it i did the burrito cause at first he struggles a lil but i was ssssssssooooooooooo paranoid that he would hop away, or fall off the table.


THis is what he looks like when i do it,lol.


I think a burrito would be better for Hans.. like Sooty, he's not fond of being held. He tolerates it for a while, but he will not put up with us flipping him. Even if we manage to flip/trance him, he might just kick out when the vet is about to clip his teeth, that would not be good..

Sooty is adorable! And look at those cheeks on him!! They're begging to be kissed!!
somebunny wrote:
Sooty is adorable! And look at those cheeks on him!! They're begging to be kissed!!
thank you that is the prime oppurtunity that i take in kissing him,lol. Since i cant hold him i love all over him when he is a burrito,lol

Hans went to the vet yesterday to have his incisors filed. There were no molar spurs, phew! It took about 3 hours after arriving home for the anesthesia to wear off completely. Once that happened, and Hans could walk steadily again.. he immediately went for his hay & did some poopies :D

The not-so-good news is that Hans' underbite is quite pronounced, so even after filing, his incisors do not meet. Here's a pic:


I wonder what are the chances of his upper jaw length catching up with that of his lower jaw, so that his teeth will meet again :(

It's very likely that Hans will need recurrent visits to the vet for trimming. Under anesthesia. Not good :grumpy:
I'm glad that Hans came through the trim without problems and is eating again. Chances of his needing continued trims are porbably fairly high but in the meantime be sure and give him lots of different types of hay and chew toys to at least help him keep them under control himself.
Thanks, Angieluv :) I'm relieved he bounced back quickly.

He has always been exposed to lots of hay and chew toys from the time I got him (he was about 8wks then). He is good with eating his hay.

As for chew toys, he likes to toss them around but he hardly chews on them much. I want him to chew and destroy every toy that I give him! Is there any way to encourage a bun to chew his toy?
My bunnys teeth have changed a whole lot within that 1 month after the trim.

Her teeth now exactly meet, before her undebite was pretty severe, at least 2mm.

I think its probably best to have her get another trim but she might not have to go so often if the teeth meet?

She would be due for another trim early November.

I am hoping she grows out of the undebite a little more. Her head has been growing lately. Looks more chunky now :p

That's great news, Mummel!

Hans' underbite is still quite prominent, unfortunately :(

How do I know when to bring him in again for another trim? His bottom incisors are getting a little long now.. and it's only been about 20 or so days since his first trim :(
somebunny wrote:
That's great news, Mummel!

Hans' underbite is still quite prominent, unfortunately :(

How do I know when to bring him in again for another trim? His bottom incisors are getting a little long now.. and it's only been about 20 or so days since his first trim :(

I was told after 1 month, if you are hoping he might grow out of it (-6 mths) a frequent trim is good since the jaws can grow freely.

Has he already fully molded? You know when one part of the bunny grows and the rest is still small and it looks all funny..my bunnys head grew last.:D

My buns teeths also grew rapidly but for 1 1/2 weeks nothing has changed since top and bottom are now touching each other. I feel like its still not ideal though.

Good luck for Hans if he did not have it at eight weeks there is a chance he grows out of it a bit!

Thanks for the reply, Mummel.

Hans is 4 mths, going on 5mths now.. so I think he still has some growing to do.

His teeth issues materialised at about 3-4mths of age.. I really really hope & pray that this is a case of uneven jaw growth rate. Poor mite, I think his underbite is making it hard for him to get a grip on his toys.. sometimes I see him trying to chew on them, and give up after a while.

I'm happy for you and your bunny, that her teeth are meeting now. Even if it doesn't look quite ideal to you right now.. it's still a good start that they meet. She's probably still growing and her teeth alignment will look good to you pretty soon :)

Flick, thanks for the video suggestions!
naturestee wrote:

Oh..:( And I was hoping the bottom teeth are in the front because of the length..so she has that too.

Hm...shouldnt the vet have seen that when she was9 weeks old?

She is from a rabbitry..I'm just wondering whether she had it when I got her.

I'm glad my hubby let me get a bun but I don't like how he reacts to the teeth issue. He is worried the bunny will get very expensive. I do have bunny savings that I will use for the vet but if she would have to go weekly I would run out of them quickly.

How much is teeth clipping? I don't have the slightest clue I just know I was shocked after my first visit to a vet here...so much more expensive than where I used to live before.

I do know 2 rabbit savvy vets in my area, I will take one day off tuesday to get her examined.

And yes, she is a cutie and now I am really worried about her having to get anesthesia for the teeth clipping :( I also had 4 pets die after clipping in the past, they just stopped eating. That was a long time ago though, vets are better these days.
Hi, I read a post from years ago I think a bunny got nose bitten off. I think you was wondering how to separate your 5 bunnies because some are friends, family or mates. Are those the rabbits that died from teeth clipping? I’m sorry you bunnies health failed ☹️ I think your post was in 2006. I actually made an account just now because I wanted to know how you made out with the separation of the rabbits. I know how difficult it could be with rabbits. I think their names were Moses, Mia, Angel, etc. I have a large cement room with a window in basement and I use small pet gates that you click together to separate 2 rabbits from the other 2 because the 2 baby siblings keeps chasing the 2 two yr old rabbits and won’t let them eat. And now the 2 baby sibling rabbits aren’t getting along too well, one sibling is chasing the other sibling just like he was chasing the 2 yr old rabbits and preventing them from eating. He used to be so nice for the past 2 months so I’m assuming it’s a boy who just got his hormones. Yeah him and his sibling will be getting fixed asap. There have to get fixed as soon as they’re old enough, their hormones must be kicking in. So what ever did happen with your 5 rabbit separation idea. If you care to share. Also I read online that Nationwide has rabbit health insurance you must call to sign up though. Thank You!
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When baby rabbits start to get hormones at about 10-12 weeks old, they do need to be separated, especially male rabbits, as they will fight and can cause serious injuries. If wanting to rebond them, they need to be kept separated and fixed first, keep separate and wait 6-8 weeks for hormones to fade after the surgery, then go through the proper rebonding process to bond them back together. Though do be aware that even after fixed, some rabbits may not rebond with each other.


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