Teary eyes

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Pochi's eyes are weepy again, pretty heavy tears. Natural and transparent tears.

i have just been advised to try penicillin drop to the eyes, as alternative treatment to kill the bacteria.. it's suspected the syphilis bacteria from Bubu (our male bunny) jumped and infected Pochi's eyes.

Have you heard about this case and treatment before? Is there any experience of giving penicillin drop to the eyes for case like this? And what was the result? @JBun

Hi everyone
I also have a 3.5 year old Holland lop male rabbit named Fandogh and he has a problem similar to Pochi.
I went to the vet and tried Ciprofloxacin-Ophthalmic and Prednisolone drops and Co-trimoxazole syrup.
I also used tea to wash around the eyes, but it did not improve much.
Is there any improvement for Pochi?
Hi everyone
I also have a 3.5 year old Holland lop male rabbit named Fandogh and he has a problem similar to Pochi.
I went to the vet and tried Ciprofloxacin-Ophthalmic and Prednisolone drops and Co-trimoxazole syrup.
I also used tea to wash around the eyes, but it did not improve much.
Is there any improvement for Pochi?

i'm sorry to hear that... there's no improvement yet to Pochi 😔😔
Hi all...

pochi's weepy eyes come and go..her left eye keeps weepy... her right eye's situation really come and go.. we clean her surrounding eyes area everyday with either warm water or HOCL.

now we just found out yesterday that Pochi had some sort of ulcer/scab near her mouth.. glad i could peel it off nicely.. don't know how it happened but there are 2 hypothesis: 1) sloppy mouth after eating got dry and irritation, 2) treatos war with the other bunny (seems unlikely)..

So since yesterday we really monitor her movement and her face, and found out she's got twitchy/tremor mouth. Here's the video . Is this normal or not?? I kind of suspect something is wrong with her jaw/teeth..

I'm still looking for rabbit-savy vet in Jakarta that is able to check her teeth.. hope to find one soon!
Your rabbit flinching while chewing, could certainly be an indication of a dental problem. It could also explain the teary eye. If the scab was at the corner of the mouth, it could be from drooling due to a dental problem.
Hi all!

we went to another Vet and found several issues with Pochi

1. Pochi's eyes have bacteria (likely infected from Bubu), hence the never ending weepy eyes! Her tears are a bit white like milk and sticky. Vet took sample and checked, found moving bacteria.

2. Pochi has toothache from her lower molar! There's crooked molar found from the xray result! Vet gave her antibiotic for her toothache.

3. The weepy eyes caused fungal issue! Vet found fungal on Pochi's mouth lesion sample.. sighhh...

so we got several steps:

1. vet prescribed's eyedrop

2.Vet prescribed oral antibiotic to ease toothache..feed her critical care while she couldn't eat hay

3. fungal meds, spray on the infected skin

Hope things are going well and Pochi can be healed fully! 💚
Hope Pochi is all better soon! We have had Dutchess’ teeth molar spikes trimmed several times. Despite a flush and three courses of eyedrops, she still has eye gunk on her fur below her eyes. Xrays didnt show teeth as the cause.
Glad the eyes are looking better. I am still at a loss for what to do because Dutchess still has dried eye gunk on her fur below each eye. She doesnt look happy. She had a flush and three weeks of two different types of antibiotic drops and an xray but vet not sure of cause.
That's good you were able to find a vet to help figure out the problem. I hope this helps resolve the issue for your rabbit.