Teacup's thoughts & Kali's statements

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Teacup: "Nothin' new today."



Kali: "I've been working on my rule book and enjoying the cooler weather. Other then that, I haven't done anything."



ME: "This is my one free day this week. I've been doing as little as possible."


[align=center]Notice to Every One Reading MY Blog (Including Teacup and the humans)[/align]

"Ehmm... this is Kali speaking and I would like to say that I'mwritinga rule book for every one to follow and so far NO ONE'S followed any of my rules!!! Not even my humans. So I'd like to put up the link to the rulesin the hope that people will read them and do the right thing by listening to me."


Teacup: "Well the day has gotten more active. My big sister(she's a human) came up and hung out with us. She brought up yougert cups!! There one of my favorit treats!! She also brought up an new bowl of water. I got cuddled, and brushed. I'm still shedding. It SUCKS!!!!"



Kali: "Things have gotten more interesting. The human who lives in ourroom came up with yougert cups. There my absulte FAVORITE treat!! Yummy yum!! She cuddled me a little. It's statring to get less scary. Don't tell anyone, but I think I'm starting to like it!!




ME: "Yep, things are starting to get more interesting I brought the vaccum up and clean some of my room. The buns got some of there favorite treat. I got to pet Kali YAY!!!!! That's about it. The buns covered just about everything."


Teacup: 'Nothing new here."



Kali: "The humans have been extra nice lately. Other then that nothing has happened."



Me: "Nothing at all has happened."

Teacup: "Hmmmmm............what has happened that might be of interest? Well it's been really hot again. The people were gone most of the weekend, and it rained once. That's about it."



Kali: "MY LITTER BOXIS GROSS!!!!!!!!!! MY box is soooooo dirty.Yes I dohave 4 litter boxes, but my favorite is really messy!!! Why isn't it clean?!?!? Humans, CLEAN MY BOX!!!!!!!"



ME: "Yes Kali I'm going to clean your box. *sigh* Some bunnies are so demanding...


Kali: "Hey I'm right here you know!!!!"


ME: "Yes I know Kali. Sorry. *sigh*. Although she does have a right to be mad. Her box hasn't been cleaned forever. We ran out of straw and NOT A SINGLE farm has any straw. They all chopped it up into silage instead of baling it. Arrrrrrrgggg it made me mad!! :grumpy:So it took us about a week to find any straw. So Kali and Teacup your box will be changed very soon."



Teacup: "Thanks. It's really dirty. Oh and I know that not so nice comment wasn't directed toward me, it was for Kalil."


Teacup: "Today we FINALY got our box changed. Yummy, it's really great straw!! I know I'm suppouse to poop in it, but it's soooooo good I can't stop eatting it!!! It's also kind of cold today."



Kali: "MY BOX IS CLEAN, MY BOX IS CLEAN, MY BOX IS CLEAN!!!!! The humans finaly cleaned my box!!! The straw they put in it is really good!! While I went to the bathroom I sat there and ate my potty!!! It was yummy!!! Last night we also got lots of treats!! They were my favorit kind of treat!!! YOGRUT CUPS!!! Mmmmmmmm......yummmmmm..... Stawfm isum... *munch munch* varfy tafsry."


Teacup: "Kali how many times have I told you; nevertalk with your mouth full!!"


Kali: "You can't tell me what to do!!!"



ME: "The bunnies are fighting again. Oh well. *sigh* I had just changed there box today. I filanly got the straw. You should have seen them go after the litter boxes when I brought them up. They were tring to get into the boxes while keeping the other one from hopping in with them. It was really funny. I always thought that it's sort of weird how rabbits poop and pee on a peice of straw while eating it. I love my rabbits, but it's sort of weird."

Teacup: "Well today's been about the same as las couple of days. Last night was quiet a bit different though. Here's what happened...

Kali and I were uietly sitting down working on a consturction plan the I heard my Mom yell 'eeekkk we have a vistior'. We had no idea what had happended. There was some slaming of doors and some running around down stairs. Then things seemed to calm down. There was laughing and bit of annoyed statements and then the door to our room opened up. A few minutes later the winged mouse (the humans call them bats)that had been living by Kali and Iflew up stairs. Dad came up the stairs after it. affter a bit of bat chasing my sister (all of my realtives are humans) came up to the room a lay down on her bed to watch what was going on. Soon after she came up Dad traped the bat in the humans clothes!! He he he it was sort of funny. This really worried the bat. It started swearing in batish and calling for help. Eventual the humans trapped it and let it go outside.

That's what happened. I was very angery they came up to my room and never even said hi to me. I nose nudged them, and ran circles around there feet, and not even a 'would you like a treat Teacup' or a 'Your very cute Teacup'. *sigh* Oh well I got some treats today so I'm happy."



Kali: "That horrible winged mouse was in our room again, but the people caught it, so it's okay now. We got treats today!! Yummy. But the humans said that we can't have anymore beacuse we ate them all."



ME: "Teacup gave a really good summary of what happened with the bat last night. The only thing I'm going to add to it is that no one got bitten, and the bat wasn't hurt.

I brought them up some treats; which they ate quickly and are now out of. If you open the yogurt cup bag Kali will stuff her whole head inside It's really cute. Any way not much is new here. The rabbits have gotten good at telling the real story lately. Well Kali hasn't, but don't tell her I said that."


Teacup: "Well I had typed everything out last night, and when I went to hit send it went back and I lost my post along with my sister's post and kali's. So I have to type it all over again. :X

Dad and sister were gone this weekend. But Mommy was still here. She stayed home and hung out wiht Kali and I.

Okay so a couple days ago (around 8:30 am) I was hopping around doing my morning work and making sure Kali wasn't going to do anything stupid. (She may think she's smart, but she's done some pretty stupid stuff). Any way I noticed the human was acting funny. So I hopped up on to her bed. I thought she was sick, and it really worried me!!! So I statred nudging her nose finallly she woke up. (thank heaven). And she seemed okay. She reached out and I let her pet me a couple of times, then I hopped of her bed.

Oh guess what. I almost forgot to say this.... I got a new water dish!!!! And it even has a bunny on it!" :biggrin2:



Kali: " Teacup that last remark is going to cost you big time!!!:grumpy:

Lets see what has happened, people were gone, got new water dish, been cooler then normal, Teacup thought the human died (or something), oh and we got more yogurt cups!!!! YES!":yes:



ME: "Like the buns had said my dad and I were gone over the weekend. But my mom stayed home, so the buns still got lots of cuddles (and treats).

Okay 2 days ago at 8:27 am I was sleeping till I felt this weird soft rubbing sensation on my nose. I woke to find Teacup up on my bed rubbing my nose. I do't know what she was doing. She just sat there bunnting my nose. I reached out and petted her for like 2 seconds and then she jumped off. I wonder if she thought I was sick or something."

cmh9023 wrote:
I love your blog! :)

Teacup: "Thank you."



Kali: "Your not the only one. When people see me they fall in love."



Teacup: "Don't pay any attention to Kali!" :craziness


Kali: "Uhhh!!! Teacup I'm the queen. You can't tell the queen what to do!!!"


Me: "Okay Kali, Teacup.....

Thanks!! Kali has problems though. The vet saidshe has chronic mouthing-off-syndrome."



Kali: "No he didn't!!! I'm firing you as my human!! And Teacup you and I are going to have a little talk!!!" :nonono:

"P.S. the human had to edit it because she's dumb."


Me: "Hey!!!"


Teacup: "Umm I'm going to go now..... *nervous laughter*...:?"

Teacup: "Nothing new."



Kali: "Shut up Teacup I'm trying to sleep."



ME: "I don't know anything new."

Teacup: "Don't know what to say. Nothing's happened."



Kali: "The only thing I have to say is as follows,

the human's weird. That is all."



ME: "Can't think of anything."

Teacup: "Well the humans brought home this cute baby bunny named Vinagan. He's ity bity. And I want to meet him, but kali won't let me. Kali's not sure about him. And that's made her extra mean. I really don't know what to do, but I have to say I'm not fond of being chased around by Kali or a 1/2 baby."



Kali: "As Teacup got the facts wrong. Vin's my baby. I don't really like my baby. That insollent little twerp!!! He bit me. So fine mabey i bit hima couple of times, but I'm the queen. And the queen's going to goteach him some maners."



Vinagan: "Eekk!!! It's scary here. The people are sooooooo big. They seem nice though. Well sort of thy won't stop trying to pick me up. uggg. I have to share my new house with 2 old hags. There like 100 years old or something. But I'm starting to get use to my new room. I did a couple kicks to show off my perfect bunny fazeke, and then floped out behind my cage and thought about my old family, and all those nice rabbits who need a hair cut. But I feel less lonely now. And I feel much more powerfull now that I know one of the old hags is scared of me. Ha ha ha ha!!!"



ME: "As the buns said we just got a new bunny at a craft fair. We had bothes there and I was sad to see Vin being sold there. He's a black and white Mini Rex that's full of pep!! I love him a lot already. The girls (Kali and Teacup) don't really like him much now, but we're starting to bond them."

Teacup: "One of my humans relative's came over today. I know her fairly well. Tall, long brown fur. She's okay. I think she's my sisters cousin, but I don't know. Anyway she gave Kali and I lots of treats!!! Yummy!!! Lately we've been getting dandilions and some yogurt cups. Apperently Vin got bullyed around by Kali. I haven't got to talk to him much lately, so I really don't know. Last time we talked he said hi and laughed I think at me. So I chased him around. he he he he that'll teach him!!

Oh yeah..... I almost forgot that it rained hard here."



Kali: "Like Teacup said some big human came over and feed us treats. I would have liked her if she hadn't tryed to pet me. Vin was being all cute and fuzzy today and it was really chessing me off. But I showed him!!:cool:"



Vinagan: "It rained really hard today. There was thunder and big flashes!!! It got in throught the glass window and my cage got wet. kali tryed to beat me up and while trying to ascape I snaged my toenail. It bleed all over. Like Kali and Teacup said my Mommy's realitive came over. I got lots of attention, and treats!!! ":)



ME: "Well the rabbits got most of the day covered in their summary. Like they said it rained really hard today. I kept having to run up and down the stairs to shut the windows in my room. Which is also where the rabbits are. Poor little Vin's cage is right by one of the windows (that window was the hardest to close and was the window that all of the rain was comeing through). His cage got wet, so Vin had suaggy little paws. That little boy had a bit of a rough day today. First Kali beat him up. So we've decided to wait a little while before we contuine the bonding. Vin's just too small yet. While in the process of escaping Kali's attach he ripped a claw open. It bleed for a little while, but stoped pretty quickly. He seemed exxtra snuggly today. I cuddled himalot! Teacup was also pretty cuddly. I snuggled her to. She seemed to be craving attention. Poor little girl!! Kali was about normal, mabey a bit meaner. She's sweet, but deffinetly a thug."

Blog name change?
Hehe you think he will be ok with it? You know how buns demand attention.

I hadn't thought about that...... I'll ask him and see what he thinks. he's not very fond of Teacup or Kali. He'll proably want his name in it.

Can I change the existing name, or do I need to start a new blog for all of them?

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