Teacup's thoughts & Kali's statements

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TK Bunnies

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
[align=left]Teacup: "Today has been interesting. I've been getting lotts of treats lately!!:agreeBut yet I still can keep my trim figure!! (Unlike my freind Kali. *hahahah*) I'm starting to think that Bud's never coming back. To cheer up,Kaliand Ishare stories and think up ways to be bad. So far or list consists of...[/align]

  • [align=left]destroying carpet[/align]

  • [align=left]eating vaccum cleaner cords[/align]

  • [align=left]eatting my huge freinds bed[/align]
[align=center]So you can see I'm a very busy bunny."

[align=left]Here are some bunny facts about Teacup...[/align]

[align=left]Age: 6 yr.

[align=left]Birthday: March 28th

[align=left]Breed/coloration: Mini Rex-Opal[/align]

[align=left]Kali: " Today I got to play tag with the big person! I won. (Of Corse). I think Teacup got more treats then I did today, so I chased her around the room. It made me feel better. I think that my brother Bud is dead. He's not anywhere. It's really worring Teacup. Teacup is sort of strange she's soooooo clean. After every meal it's wash, wash, wash! Then she makes me wash her!!:faint:I mean I'm a busy rabbit; I've got things to do!"[/align]

[align=left]Here are some facts about Kali...[/align]

[align=left]Age: 4 yr.[/align]

[align=left]Birthday: Unknow[/align]

[align=left]Breed/Coloration: Rex -and possibly fawn[/align]

[align=left]ME: "The buns were very busy this morning. After I woke up I got a visit from Teacup.This really worried Kali. She thought I might be giving Teacup treats without her!!Kali was fairly freindly today. Teacup alot more so.Teacy (aka: Teacup)spent alot of time sucking up to Kali, who seemed to have decided that Teacup was get more treats then her. But once Kali decided that Teacup had been berated anough they went to the scared bunny spot (a corner of my room) and Teacup got washed, then they floped out next to each other.I played tag with Kaliand she won; this was before the grooming."[/align]




Edited: beacuse the pics took up to much room, and were too big to see right.
Teacup: "The big person hasn't been around much this weekend. We've taken advantage of that! Kali has eaten part of the bed, and wizzed on the pillow. I keep telling her even if she doesn't think she needs to go; you should always go before you work!"



Kali: "The human in my room has been out of the room a lot lately. I think that she's going some where with out us:grumpy:! *hmph* So with all the extra time Teacup and i have around the house we've taken some time to work on eatting the pillows on the beds. *he he hehe he* I work a bit to long on the big pillow, and whn I'm working i forget to take bathroom brakes. I leak just a bit on the pillow, but was able to get to the litter box in time to let the rest out."



ME: " I feel kind of bad. I haven't been around much this weekend. So I've been cuddling the buns alot. kali and Teacup have been attaching both the pillow on the beds!! On my bed Kali leak just a bit. It wasn't much, but it still needs a wash."

Teacup: ''Not much has happened at all lately. It's just cuddles and treats."



Kali: "I can't beleive what teacups saying!!:shock:Not much has happened are you kidding?!?!? i got picked up 3 times!!!!!! It's soooooo scary!! The people are so tall and when they pick you up your feet don't touch the ground its' like floating rabbits aren't meant to float!!:X



ME: "I agree with Teacup, although kali thinks likewise. Not much has happened they've even not mucked up my pillows!"

How did I miss this? Your babies are adorable and sound like are such characters! I am in love with rexes, they are so soft and beautiful.

Cant wait to see more!
Haley wrote:
How did I miss this? Your babies are adorable and sound like are such characters! I am in love with rexes, they are so soft and beautiful.

Cant wait to see more!

Teacup: ''Thank you. The people say that I'm good looking, but I haven't ever seen myself."



Kali: "I know that I'm a beautiful rabbit!:cool:The people say I'm full of myself, but I think they're just jealous."



ME: "Thank you.I love Rexs! They have such great attitudes! They act like royalty! (Well they kind of are). I love there fur. I love to snuggle with Teacup because she has the softest fur. She is so sweet. Kali is sweet, but she's in charge so she doesn't have time to be friendly (unless you have treats)."

Teacup: "The human just brought Kali and I a bunch of young carrots fresh from the garden :carrot (washed of corse). Yesterday it stormed so Kali and I got locked up in our cages!:XThe humans said it was for if we had a tornado. Other then that it was perrty normal around the room."


P.S. the humans fur is all hard and bummpy. It's really weird! It changes from day to day!!


Kali: "Yesterday it stormed so the people locked us up in part of the room. (Which was bad). Then they gave us treats pretending to be all nice. Teacup got lock up in her cage and I gotCHASED around the room!!:tantrum:FinallyI just gave in. But would you believe this; the storm only lasted about 15min!!!!! so much for sever thunderstorm.



ME: "Kali is all mad at me beacuse there was suppose to be a storm and I had to chase her down and lock her in her cage. She doesn't like to be picked up..."


Kali: "DUH"


ME: *sigh*

''I had just went out and pick them fresh carrots out of our garden. They love them!!Teacup got the big one and Kali got 3 of the little small ones. After finnishing hers she went and stole Teacup's. Which resulted in Kali getting most of the carrots and teacup getting chased around the room. They're bonded but when it comes to treats they're bitter enimies."

Teacup: ''The human that we share a room with wasgoneyesterday. Other then that it was fairly normal."



Kali: "Normal?!?! Jezz Teacup must never be scared!! It was floor cleaning day. So the human and the big noisy box of DEATH came up and sucked up all hard work!! It 'cleaned' up all our...

  • carpet removal stuff
  • space markers
  • straw we dug out of our box
  • soft squishy stuff that comes out the blankets
  • bitts of cardboard we were eating
The big person moved allot of our stuff!! :X



ME: "I was gone yesterday so the buns had my to themselves, which they took advantage of. I had to clean the floor this morning before our Harry Potter book came. which sacred the bunnies like it always does. They hate the vacuum!! (I hate it to, we really need a new one!!) Other then that it's been pretty plain."

Teacup: "As the day is still new not much has happened today. But Yesterday was GREAT!! Thewhole familycame up with a book and read y Kali and I. We got snuggled and groomed and we got abig bowl full treats. Oh the treats... yum... there was parsley, young carrots, radishes with there greens, andmint. No danilinos though. It was funI got groomed by my Mom and my Sister my Dad and even Kali!I had a great time."



Kali: "Yesterday was good. The big people brought us a bowl full of treats. (yummy).They tried to groom me.:grumpy:I don't like that. But I got away. The girl lay done next to me and was nice and quiet. It was weird."



ME: "I have a cold with a sore throatso when I got up this morning I went right down stairs to make a cup of tea (it helps my throat). So I didn't see much of the rabbits this morning. Yesterday though my family went up stairs to read the new Harry Potter book h the bunnies. We brought them a big salad. They loved that. i got to cuddle Teacup (she's gotten so much sweeter) and Kali even came and lay down touching me. She's starting to cuddle."

Teacup: "Sunday was exactly the same as Saturday. Treats, Harry Potter. And nothing hashappened today. I bet it'll be treats and Harry Potter again today. Mmmmmm I hope the people bring parsley!"



Kali: "For once I agree with Teacup. It's been exactly the same. And there better be parsley"



ME: "I think the buns said it all. And I will try to bring some parsley."

We had just about the same weekend here! My bunnies were happy to have their slave lounging around the house all weekend reading HP :)

And my bunnies love parsely. Yum yum!
Teacup: "Yesterday went as I perdicted. Harry Potter and cuddles, but no parsley, just dandilions.Ugg I'm really shedding!! You should see all the fur they pulled of me. Today's outragously hot!! the people were worried about us because of weird poops.So we got a blow full ofcold water and ice cubbes to coolus down. And rehydrat us.I'm just sooooooo thirsty. I can't stop drinking the cold fresh water. Well all this typing has made me tired (plus it's still really warm) so I'm done talkin'."



Kali: "Yesterday was like the last 2 days harry Potter and people trying to brush me. One of the people have gotten more understandings, so I cuddled her. She didn't touch me though. :biggrin2:But she did do something UNFORGIVABLE, she promised us parsley and she didn't bring ANY!!!!!!!!:X"



ME: "The buns pertty much said it all about yesterday. Except that I got both buns to flop out on each side of me. Yeah!!! other then that.I can't think of anything new that the buns hadn't said."

Teacup: "Nothing at all has happened today."



Kali: ''Yep you said it Teacup. Besides being CRAZY hot out. Nothing's happened."



ME: "The buns said it all"

Teacup: " It's been more interesting lately. But it's still really hot out. *yuck* My freind Kali gets hot really easilyso the people have been doing the best they can to keep us cool. It's been about normal. everyone's to hot and sluggish to want to anything. kali and I have been flopping around almost all the time. Now we have boltes full of ice to snuggle up to. They really cool a bunny down. :pPlus they roll really, really well so kali and I have been shuving them around the room. It's fun and refreshing!!"



Kali: "If it gets any warmer I'm going to fry in my fur!! It's soooooooooooooooo hot.I hate it!:grumpy:But the people have been trying hard to keep us cool. Like Teacup said we got frozenwater bottles tolie on to cool off. We don't really lie on them but they sure are fun to play with!!"



ME: ''Poor Kali she doesn't handle heat very well. I've been giveing them lots of stuff to help cool them down. Luckly it hasn't been very hot today. Actualy it's sort of cold today!;)But I still have the fans on full blast to keep it cold up in my room. Other then thatnot much has happened. It's just been todang hot to do anything."

Teacup: "The people were gone almost all weekend (not counting nights). We got our favorit yougurt treats and i got brushed. I'm really shedding *yuck*!!"



Kali: ''It's been sooooooooo hot lately. I bet the people were someplace cold with out us. *hmph* :grumpy:. I'm soooo sleepy I've been staying up late to sneek down the stairs while the people are sleeping and eat them carpet!! *hahahah*. I was spoted ounce though, but I didn't get in trouble."



ME: ''We were gone most of the weekend. I don't think the rabbits really cared, they were to busy sleeping. Kali has been sneeking down the stairs. Sunday morning my mom was going up the stairs to wake me up and when she gotto the base of the staris and looked up she saw an orange streak racing up the stairs. I don't care she's just eating the carpet(I hate our carpetit SUCKS)."

Teacup: "Yeah!!! I'll ask the humans to put a special carrot candle on my B-day cake just for Milly.

Lately it's been normal hot and muggy. No one's doing anything (including us). The people want to snuggle but it's just to dang hot to snuggle!!!!! I'm shedding like mad. I wish it would stop soon. Kali has been grooming me to help get rid of the sheeded furin hard to reach places. The people are thinking about getting alittle brother to keep us company.I thinkthat's a great idea. The more the merrier!!"



Kali: "Yuck it has been hot. The human cuddled me for a little but she was soooooo warmI had to move.Did you hear? The humans are think of getting another bun!!! And bringing it onto MY turf!!! BLASPHEMY!!!! :pssd:"



ME: "It has been really hot lately. I can't think of anything that the buns haven't said. Kali is mad because we're think of getting another bun. And Teacup is getting groomed by every one."


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