I tattoo but I wish that microchiping becamerealy realy popular and that everyone had a scanner. LOL. It is justlike a vaccination so much easier than tattooing. I do like tattooingthough because I can keep track of my rabbits and if they end upsomewhere that they shouldnt be (good forbid the animal shelter wichnever has happend and i havent lost track of one yet but I always fearthat.) I can see yep that is my ear numer ICB--- or ICD---- and knowwhat rabbit that was and everyone can see it just like a dog tag. Ialways tattoo when it is cool out and when they are young. My englishlops I can do it before they are weaned if I wanted to. They actualyseem to take it better when their ears arnt growing so much so I usaulyweight for their earsto get to be at least 21 inches longbefore i do it just because I dont like to cause pain if I dont have toso I am more than happy to wait. I have seen alot of rabbits scream orsquarm when they get tattooed I think part of that is because peoplesometimes tattoo them at shows and on the way to the show the rabbitgot stressed and hot so more feeling was in their ears.I dontthink that my rabbits have ever gotrealy realy upset withtattooinglike that,except they DID NOT like apentat that I spent tons of money on and I didnt like it either becausethe rabbit would not hold still for it at all and would sqirm all overthe place. The tattooing clamp is once, quick and not drawn out so Ithink that that helps. I like to wait for my flemish to get biggerbefore I tattoo as well because they dont react to it as much as well,but they will always knock me in the chin when I tattoo and so I haveto make sure that my tongue is in my mouth (some of you know what Imean, you know your tongue has too be out when you are concentrating.LOL) or else they will hit me so hard that I will realy hurt my tongue.LOL. My teeth get sore for days afterwords and I often have bruisesunder my chin when I get done tattooing a flemish litter because somany of them lift up their heads and hit me under the chin lol. Actaulyevey single one does it. I think it is because of how I hold them.Other than that little jump up right when I clamp their ear they seemto recover quickly and have no worries afterwards.