Christina, I didn't mean to make you feel like you're doing something wrong, because you aren't! lol Trust me, I am as surprised as everyone else that Ellie is using the litter box as well as she is. And she WASN'T until the other night, when I took the grate out. I had the grate for Foo, but Ellie doesn't need it or like it. So when I took it out, thats when she started to use it exclusively. The other two boxes are in my kitchen floor in the corner she likes to pee in. I tried putting one there and she peed in it AND next to it. So I put the other one there too to fill up the whole corner and now she has no choice but to get into one and use it. And she does. She didn't pee once outside the litter box yesterday, stray poops yes, but no pee.
She happens to be good with the box, but like Jenny said; not all of them are.
It just takes finding what they like to pee in and sticking with it. Thats why I suggested MORE litter boxes, haha. Because more is always better and you run a better chance of finding the right spot with more boxes. haha.
Its all trial and error with rabbits!
I agree that the peeing next to the divider is territory marking, so putting a box there might help.
They'll get it eventually. Unfortunately, its just one of those things that tends to take them longer to learn than other things. I wouldn't be surprised that if in a few months when Ellie goes through "puberty", her litter box habits will get worse. Oh well. Its just one of those things with rabbits.
I'm glad to hear their doing so well. Has Ruby grown anymore? How's her little dewlap coming in?