Thanks Pam 
that's good article
that's good article
If you mean what I think you mean, you're right- sort of. Those little "grain of rice" sized things are tapeworm 'segments' that are pieces of the worm that are filled with eggs and expelled.Omg, that is sick! I thought tape worms were smaller like little tiny things and they can have loads of them, like what cats and dogs can get. Or is that a different kind of worm?
Yeah since I have read this thread I haven't let my buns out into the garden where the dog is in fear that they catch something. Next time I'm at the vets, I'm going to ask for that ?Pancar? That Flashy recommended.I think I mean pinworms I have never heard of an animal having a tape worm around here and hope I never do, seriously if one of my bunnies had that I would have to give them to someone until they got rid of it :nerves1I could probably handle the pinworms though.
Tapeworms are really common, but you never usually see a whole tapeworm, just the segments. Dogs and cats don't pinworms as far as I know- but their tapeworm segments are often confused with and so have been nicknamed "pinworms" though. You will find lots of misinformation because of this.I think I mean pinworms I have never heard of an animal having a tape worm around here and hope I never do, seriously if one of my bunnies had that I would have to give them to someone until they got rid of it :nerves1I could probably handle the pinworms though.
tonyshuman, Karla *lavished* in her brief physical therapy sessions outside on the front lawn. Wheelcart, pillowcase, or hand held support by my arms. And she had a grand time nibbling the lawn!Sorry I haven't had the stomach to look at the picture yet. It's too bad though that she may have picked it up in the grass! I remember that being a really fun thing for her, to get outside and feel the sun. Poor girlie.
I think the our vet they could and they can also be passed to humans? Can the segmants like, wiggle and stuff? What the vet said anyway was that they could get loads of them and they only grow to be about a CM, and I thought that was pinworms.
irishbunny wrote:Tapeworms are really common, but you never usually see a whole tapeworm, just the segments. Dogs and cats don't pinworms as far as I know- but their tapeworm segments are often confused with and so have been nicknamed "pinworms" though. You will find lots of misinformation because of this.I think I mean pinworms I have never heard of an animal having a tape worm around here and hope I never do, seriously if one of my bunnies had that I would have to give them to someone until they got rid of it :nerves1I could probably handle the pinworms though.