Tallulah tattoo

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There is a product called Tattoo Camo. (you can google it). My girl friend used it on her wedding day to hide the tattoos on her back.( I thought it looked real good.)
Blue Giants, thanks for the suggestion! I found the Tattoo Camo web site, and it looks great. Even if it doesn't look 100% natural, the tattoo will be on my lower inner calf, so no one should really be looking there anyway!

I think I'll just go ahead and get the tattoo this summer, since I don't need to worry about covering it up :pinkbouce:
What a lovely thing to do to remember her by, awww, that makes me feel all wamr and fuzzy. I also can't wait to see the finished product!

It's quite funny for me to think of girls getting tattoos of bunnies, as I grew up with a biker dad, and he and his tough-guy biker mates were all covered in tatts. I dont know any women with tattoos, except for AngelnSnuffy off here.
I still don't have my tattoo! I'm changing majors from Emergency Management to Elementary Education, and a lot of schools have rules that tattoos need to be covered. Of course I could get the Tallulah moon tattoo on my back or something, but I really want to be able to see it without a mirror. So I'm thinking about getting something smaller and simple, like the size of a quarter. I know they can't do much detail with something small. Any ideas of what I could get done? I want it to be related to Tallulah somehow...
A friend of mine has a tattoo on her front hip, great placement for wanting to be able to see it without a mirror, but easily hide able.

Anything too small wont be able to have too much detail and you dont want to compromise too much.

I love the drawings done, I think i might save them (if you guys dont mind) for future ideas....I'm always thinking of tattoo ideas and one day i would love to get a bunny tattoo, but i would edit it to look like my Thumper.

Anyways, maybe just wait until after you get hired somewhere? or think of better placement?
Go with your original design, you will be much more happier with it in the long run :). You could get it on your chest, your hip, upper thigh, rib cage, "love handles".
I got my tatoo on my shoulder.. right on the top side of my shoulder (not the back blade area).. It was the perfect spot for me because I can see my tatoo anytime I want, but it is easy to cover for professional needs with just a short sleeve top, and I can always show it off during the summer with tank tops, plus no wrinkle/stretching worry. The shoulder area is tougher and not as sensitive, so less painful. The inner calf would be a lot more sensitive because the skin is thinner, so this is something to think about.

I had a friend that had calf area tatoos and she bought boxes of large square band-aids to put on every day to cover them at work, but for me that would get old.


Go to an fairly expensive tatoo place and look around first. If it looks very nice, sparkly clean, organized, go for it. I would also talk to the tatoo artists there and ask them how long they've been doing the work and go with the most experienced. Never go to a tatoo place because they're less expensive.

Be sure to eat a decent meal before getting your tatoo.. never go on an empty stomach or you'll likely pass out. I did by accident and I definitely passed out like a rock right after it was done! Lol.

Dont get tons of color, go for black with 1 color shade added.. colors fade faster than black.

You can also bring your design and ask the tatoo artists if they have any modification ideas for what you want.. most are very artisticly talented and can have some great ideas to add.
Raspberry and Amy, thanks for the advice! I love the suggestion of getting it on the front of my shoulder. It would be very easy to cover but I could still see it, and it's in a place where my skin shouldn't stretch or sag much as I get older. Now I just have to pick exactly what I want :ponder:
I was looking at jewelry online today and found this angel wings pendant:


I love it, the design is so simple but lovely. I like how it looks like both angel wings (sad) and butterfly wings (sweet and happy). It costs much more than I would ever be willing to spend though, even if I had an extra $500 sitting around! I was thinking it could make a good basis for a tattoo though. Anyone artistic have ideas for how it could be embellished or made more... rabbity? Or personalized for Tallulah? The wings are different colors on the pendant, maybe I could have one wing blue for Cinnabun (blue was the color I always picked for his things) and one pink for Tallulah since they're the bunnies I've lost. Or one pink for Tallulah and one purple for Phoebe Mae, since the wings are mirror images of each other and Tallulah and Phoebe Mae are so connected in my mind and heart.
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You could bring pictures of Talulah to a tatoo artist and ask them for idea on how to make a tatoo bunny of her maybe with angel wings? That would be really sweet. Ask them if they'll charge for designs. Each tatoo parlor has many books full of tons of tatoo designs, i'm sure they have bunny ones too that could give you ideas.

Btw, for a cost ballpark, mine is about 2" by 2" and cost me $70 about 8yrs ago. But price varies a bit by the parlor.

Another possibility is to look on deviant art for bunny art designs you like and maybe email the artist and ask if they'd consider a small personal tatoo design for you if you emailed them tallula's pics and how much they would charge.

There's a girl on here that put up a post for custom bunny cage pictures, she did a good job of painting some of the bunnies on here for a small fee, I'd PM her and see if she'd do some sketch ideas for you with talulahs pictures and what you want it to look like.

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