Tales from a Bunaholic

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[align=center] ~ Blog Update ~


I have a BIG surprise for everyone!

But your just gonna have to wait and see to find out what...

hehehe :D

Until then...
Take a look at Dunkin's 1st Birthday video I forgot to post here!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb4gEH46hJY]Click Here[/ame]

[align=center] ~ Blog Update ~


I made some online scrapbook pages for Amber.





Amber is a small bunny, not Netherland Dwarf size but she is a Dwarf mix I believe. She is the same size as the Dunk boy. Speaking of Dunkin, he is doing great. Much happier since I moved Amber's cage back into the living room. It was really stressing him out, he felt he had to guard his "den" all the time. This made him cranky and one day he growled at me. I was speechless! I just had an unexplainable vibe that he really didn't like having Amber living next door. Now he is back to his friendly self!

He has a rat as a neighbor instead.:D

I'm so excited because I'm leaving right after typing this to pick up a practically new Midwest exercise pen from a lady. It's the kind with the door that opens, I found it on Craigslist. I plan on buying the special cover for it (or making my own) to keep any predators out and placing it on our back deck for those nice cool days. I think the bun's will really enjoy it, especially since our temperatures are starting to cool down.
Aww, I can't see Dunkin being a crabby-butt! I hope he likes his ratty neighbor better!

One way to make a cheap cover is to use a sheet, then use clips to clip it onto the pen. :) I hope they like it and binky their little butts off! :D
[align=center] ~ Blog Update ~


The many faces of Dunkin...


"Call the SPCA quick!"

"Do I really have to do this mom?"

"Fine... but I better get a cookie after this!"

"Dude, someone turn off the bright"

"Welcome to my personal hell..."

"Wait... I got dirty..."

"Cookie now?"

As you can see, Dunkin is a very expressive boy. All in all the photo shoot went great and was a lot of fun (for both of us believe it or not, lol). I will be posting the picture I picked (which I haven't posted yet) for the Halloween contest later today.

Yep, Amber had a photo shoot too! Not nearly to Dunkin's extent, my camera started to die. :(




One more of Dunkin, talk about disapproval!



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