Taffy's not finishing her food

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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, , USA
Taffy today and yesterday didn't finish her food. Friday night we moved her hutch into a new dog kennel/run, and put sod down. She has a ramp to hop around in it. I'm wondering if maybe she's just not finishing up her food because she's been out, nibbling on grass? Or maybe somethings wrong..after having 2 sick bunnies this year, I freak out :pand the bunny doesn't have to do *anything*. ;) lol silly me.

She eats Purina Fibre3, 1/4 c. a day, and Timothy hay..

Oh, and also, she eats lots and LOTS of hay, and nothing appeared wrong with her teeth at the vet in June. She also nibbles on wood toys, so I think her teeth are worn down..
So she is still eating well, just not finishing all her pellets? I wouldn't be worried about that unless she stops eating them altogether. My guess is she is filling up on all that fresh grass.
Could be filling up on grass or could be a slight amount of stress from the move. As long as she is still eating it will be ok.
I'm thinking I'll not let her in the grass for a while today and see if she finishes her food. If so then she can run around some more.
well, she hasn't been out in the grass all day- and only ate about half her food. Usually its gone within 30 - 45 mins. of when I stick it in. I don't know whats up. I think I'll just keep an eye on her for a few days for any other problems. Kinda weird.
just checked an she only ate 1/4 of her food today. I thought she'd eaten more but measured it and it only came to 1/4 of the food gone. And she only gets 1/4 c. a day. I'm getting a little worried with her not eating much for 3 days now..:?
Hi, I take it she is an outdoor bunny? What is the weather like where you live? Is it really hot? Maybe that is why she's not eating alot. Mine are indoor bumnnies with air conditioning and they get hot and don't eat alot.

Can you not bring her in to live in the house with you? That way you can keep a closer eye on her.

What food are you actually talking about (that she is not finishing) her pellets? None of mine ever finish off all of their pellets throughout the day. How old is she?

Is that her in your avitar? Very cute bunny.

Yes, she is an outdoor bunny. Its been not to hot lately, about in the 70's. She has always gobbled her food down-even when its in the 90's. We've brought her in before when its hot, and she works herself up and gets so upset that I think its alot less stressful when we leave her out.
Yes, Her pellets. I don't know if she's still eating the hay-I need to keep a closer eye out.
Nope, the bunny in my avatar is Ripley, 8 wks. old and i just got him
Taffy is a 5 yr. old mini rex.
Thanks, your bunnies are aboslutly *adorable!*
Good news! : She pretty much finished her food-within an hour of being fed! Good bunny! :)
Once again, today Taffy did not finish her food. I thought after her yesterday eating just about all of it she was fine. I appear to be wrong. Should I worry? Sunday was her first day of this not finishing her food thing.. up to then, it was always all eaten within about 30-45 min. of being fed...
Thanks for saying that. I rather new to te forum so I hadn't looked at that form really before..


Location: Outside

Description (Breed, color, weight) Mini rex, Broken orange/brown

Age: 5 1/2

Sex Female

Concise Summary of the Rabbit's Condition: NOt fininshing food since sunday

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / CHECK LIST: (Please fill in relevant info).

Fecal and Urinary Output

- are the bunny's poops and pees normal? As far as I've been able to tell..
- when did they last use their litterbox? I'm not sure-her cage has wire and dropping go onto the ground. raked it up today and put a tray under so I have to keep an eye out.
- any unusual behavior? straining to pee? no unusual litter habits? no
- what litter and/or bedding do you use? None, it drops through the wire to the ground

Medical History

- spayed/neutered? Nope
- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before? White **** in eye, after 1 day of eye drops, it was gone.
- is s/he on any medications? No


- what specifically does your bunny eat?
- when and what did s/he eat last? This morning she ate 2/3 - 3/4 of her pellets
- any changes in the way s/he eats? nope (ie: not eating a particular food, odd chewing motions, etc)


- movement - any unusual movements? Nope Is s/he hopping normally? Nope
- is the rabbit molting? Nope
- any weight loss? Nope
- any sign of drooling? wet face? Nope
- runny eyes? nope
- wet nose? coughing? sneezing? Nope
- is s/he breathing normally Yep


- any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? New sod in pen where she runs aroudn-hasn't been out in 2 days.
- has the rabbit been outdoors? Yep, lives outdoors
- any other pets? if so, have they been ill? Yep, bunny Ripley, not ill that I know of, just got him.Charlie was sick with Respiratory infection went back with breeder

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