Well-Known Member
OK guys! Here we go!
I know it has taken awhile and i haven't been on chatting with youlately but what can i say "Life gets the better of me sometimes and ijust can't keep up!"
Well i finally set up Tabitha's Bunny Estate. Now it isn'twhat i said it was going to be as the area of yard we were originallygoing to put her in never seemed to get any shade.
So instead, we got her a 10 foot square by 6 foot high dog kennel andput a tarp on over the top for a roof. She has a cute cottagestyle dog house full of straw to sleep in with a paver frontporch and a PVC pipe to run through.Ihave to come up with a few more ideas for things that she can climb onand hide under but forto begin with, she is loving what shehas.
There is lots of room to add more stuff for her and i would really lovetoadd a fewtallpotted plantsforextra shade.
I know it has taken awhile and i haven't been on chatting with youlately but what can i say "Life gets the better of me sometimes and ijust can't keep up!"
Well i finally set up Tabitha's Bunny Estate. Now it isn'twhat i said it was going to be as the area of yard we were originallygoing to put her in never seemed to get any shade.
So instead, we got her a 10 foot square by 6 foot high dog kennel andput a tarp on over the top for a roof. She has a cute cottagestyle dog house full of straw to sleep in with a paver frontporch and a PVC pipe to run through.Ihave to come up with a few more ideas for things that she can climb onand hide under but forto begin with, she is loving what shehas.
There is lots of room to add more stuff for her and i would really lovetoadd a fewtallpotted plantsforextra shade.