t.v. ?

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I like it when the Rugby, or the boxing is on! That's the only time I get to watch tv, because one of the humans is allergic to me, so I'm not allowed in the living room. But she doesn't like sports, so I get to snuggle down on the sofa with mum and watch the All Blacks beat everyone.
hi! i'm Houdini and the spokesbun for owr howse. we wuv tv cuz momma cuddles us every night while it is on. we each have our faborites. i wuv "sponge bob square pants" cuz he gibs me good ideas on how to be naughty. i gez bwushed duwring the shows cuz i haz beautifwl long hairz.

my bunwife, Cinderella, prefewrs girwy shows like "clean sweep" or "say yes to the dress". i finks is her fawlt momma puts bows in my hairz sometimes.

my bun-in-law, Becky, will watch any chick flick and will soak up all de attenshon she can get. dat girwl habs no shame, she eben wicks momma durwing tv time!

her husbunny, Indy, doesnt wike tv. he onwy has one eye so is hard for him to see it an he downt like coming up here. he prefewrs soft music and a massage for hibs special time.
MiniLopHop wrote
her husbunny, Indy, doesnt wike tv. he onwy has one eye so is hard for him to see it an he downt like coming up here. he prefewrs soft music and a massage for hibs special time.
is he an old bun?:shock:
nope, hez 3. hiz owriginal captor wuz vewy mean. he wuz in a cage too small and neber gotz clweaned. hez eye and ear gotz inphected buz dey no taks himz to vet. When hez phinally gez to rescue de phix himz up. Now hez spoiled likes da rest ob uz. mommy makes suwer we happy :)

dis iz da side dat has an eye


dis iz Becky


dis iz my bootiful bunwife


dis iz me


your bunny wife is vewy pwetty i can't haz my own babies i waz nutered. and you is vewy nice wooking bunny and so is indy in fact all u buns are very good wooking. haz u had any baby buns? by da way does any bun haz a fwat scweeny my muma does
Fank you, shez da wub ob my wife. All ob us iz neutered too so wez don need to wowry about baby bunneys. Wez can cuddle awl de timez :)

Nowpe, mommy has an ol tv, but iz good.

LOL I would wend it my bunney ears, but we haz cable. I try my bestest to get to it (leagend haz it dat tv cablez are da yummiest), but therez a fence in de way!
MiniLopHop wrote:
but therez a fence in de way!
we haz one too ever scince iz chewed a wirez and no i don't tink dat tvs haz bunny ears and it seems too usually have humans inside but i tink dat some dogs r twapped inside an also in a hmmm wat did muma say it waz called? umm oh ya moovees well anyways der was a moovee called Juno and der waz a bun trapped inside der

p.s. wat do u tink about sissys new avatar pewsonawy i tink its awesome
my hooman doesn't get distwacted wit the tv but the COMPUETR! Now dat ting is gweat. She never catches me getting into twuble, because she's too busy on dair.

Oh we findz de computer annoying! *THUMPS*

Momma looks at de stupid scween raver dan us! We iz too pwitty to be ignored, so we run ober de keys ws;fhqwefjq[weghfqewndcveuirg[qerjio LOL

Lilly's avetar is lovely! :)
dats twue. sometimes its annoying, but when I want to go into pwaces where she won't wet me go, den it werks gwate. :happyrabbit:

AeroGoes Thump wrote:
I neva heard of tv. me and pal are outdoor bunn
any hoomin or bunbun want to see ourrre blog?:bunny19:bunnyheart pwease
hewo wecome to ro (rabbits online ) is ur hooman a girl kid?
i see you noo here scince u stawted only on da 21st so i guess ill see ya awound

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