hi! i'm Houdini and the spokesbun for owr howse. we wuv tv cuz momma cuddles us every night while it is on. we each have our faborites. i wuv "sponge bob square pants" cuz he gibs me good ideas on how to be naughty. i gez bwushed duwring the shows cuz i haz beautifwl long hairz.
my bunwife, Cinderella, prefewrs girwy shows like "clean sweep" or "say yes to the dress". i finks is her fawlt momma puts bows in my hairz sometimes.
my bun-in-law, Becky, will watch any chick flick and will soak up all de attenshon she can get. dat girwl habs no shame, she eben wicks momma durwing tv time!
her husbunny, Indy, doesnt wike tv. he onwy has one eye so is hard for him to see it an he downt like coming up here. he prefewrs soft music and a massage for hibs special time.