switching pellets

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pamnock wrote:
I always recommend mixing the pellets and making the change slowly.

Some old-time commercial breeders found that frequent sudden switches actually seemed to improve condition.

Personally, for all the rabbits we have moving in and out, we've neverhad a problem with a sudden switch from someone elses pellets to ourpellets. Basically, most pellets are of similar composition,so the switch does not cause havoc with the "job specific" enzymesalready present in the stomach.

Changes to completely different foods such as fruits, vegetables andleafy greens must be made very slowly so the proper enzymes can beproduced to digest those new foods.



I use Purina rabbit chow.. i buy it in the 10 lbbag. I wish I could get it in the bigger bag but the kind Iget only carry it in the 10lb or 50 lb and I dont think two bunnieswould eat it fast enough.. A 10 lb bag last me about amonth. I get mine in a feedstore. I love the difference compared to the otherstuff i fed them, before i found out about purina.

Ruka, sometimes they ignore the new pellets fora while because they are strange. Keep doing what you aredoing, just be aware that it may take longer than your vet said itwould. Does their old food have treats/junk in it?If so, I would suggest sifting all that out and get them used tojunk-free pellets first. It seems to help sometimes.

And I do love Oxbow Bunny Basics/T!
That brings me to a question. Devon just turned6 months old on October 1st (yup, he was born on April Fool'sDay:shock:). When should I switch him from Bunny Basics 15/23 to BunnyBasics T?
Ruka, i am STILL switching Rue's food. sheresisted the new stuff for soooo long. she did the same thing, justleft the new stuff for days until i would give her fresh.

everybunny is different. don't be worried about the 7-10 day thing. ihave been switchin Rue's food for about 2 months. now she's onlygetting a pinch of the old food.

my suggestion is give your buns way less food, like a handful of themix. also, instead of the 1/4 new, try adding less than that. thisworked for me and Rue.

And good luck, don't give up!!!

I recently made aswitch in pellets to something I've never heard of. I did quite a bitof research first but I couldn't find much information on this brand.All the nutritional information is impressive and the brand is one I'mfamiliar with from when I had a ferret, but I don't know if it's abrand with a good reputation.

Sebastian loves the stuff and I haven'tnoticed any changes in his health. From what I understand aboutSebastian in particular, he needs lower protein and higher fiber and Ithought this fit the bill.

What do some of you who are more educatedabout the feeds think? Has anyone else ever heard of it?

It's Peter's Premium Rabbit ProductsMaintenance Formula - made by Marshall Pet Diets.

12.6% minimum protein

2.52% minimum fat

19.87% - 21.38% fiber

.85-1.45% calcium

.50% phosphorus

10.50 mg copper

10,000 iu Vitamin A

1,000 iu Vitamin D3

33.50 iu Vitamin E

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I recently made a switch inpellets to something I've never heard of. I did quite a bit of researchfirst but I couldn't find much information on this brand. All thenutritional information is impressive and the brand is one I'm familiarwith from when I had a ferret, but I don't know if it's a brand with agood reputation.

Sebastian loves the stuff and I haven'tnoticed any changes in his health. From what I understand aboutSebastian in particular, he needs lower protein and higher fiber and Ithought this fit the bill.

What do some of you who are more educatedabout the feeds think? Has anyone else ever heard of it?

It's Peter's Premium Rabbit ProductsMaintenance Formula - made by Marshall Pet Diets.

12.6% minimum protein

2.52% minimum fat

19.87% - 21.38% fiber

.85-1.45% calcium

.50% phosphorus

10.50 mg copper

10,000 iu Vitamin A

1,000 iu Vitamin D3

33.50 iu Vitamin E


That's new rabbit line petco recently introduced? no?

They have alot of stuff such as GI flora supplements, ear wash, drybath, I do believe one of their products contains tetracycline, and Iknow they sell an upper respirtary infection treatment as well...Ispent like an hour reading it all in the store ... everything seems tobe pretty holistic with no additives/preservations/wierd aritificalstuff.
We did get it atPetCo. I don't know if it's their line... I know it's been there forawhile as far as ferret products go. Now that you mention it, I thinkthey did have some other more natural stuff in the brandonthe end cap. I'll have to check again next time I go.

They have one product these herb/rice bars that my bunnies absolutely love...

i do believe they make a fruit/rice combo as well


anyone have an idea on price for a 50# bag??

** never mind lmao i called a local feed store after lookingon the purina site and found this place who does sell it in ourarea. they only carry the 40# bags which is ok, and its 11dollars. they are saving a bag for me to pick uptomorrow :)
The feed my rabbits are on now isCountry Acres (apparently manufactured by Purina for CountryAcres). I thought I was getting Purina RabbitChow:X but that's beside the point, I guess...

Fiber (min) 18%
Fiber (max) 21.5%
Protein (min) 18%

Is this too high in protein for pet rabbits? And what will too much protein do?

Would it be ok to give them this until the bag is gone and then switchthem to something else? It seems like all the feed storeshave around here is formulated for grower and breedingrabbits. I just hope I can find something good that doesn'tcost a small fortune.

It's too much protein. I'm not surewhat your Jersey Woolly will need as far as protein(17%? Oris 16% okay because they don't have as much wool as Angoras?), but yourrex will do better on 16% protein or less. You should be ableto find that, I thought that's what the majority of breeding rabbittype food was. I think that's what actual Purina has, as wellas several other brands I've heard about

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