swine flu

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NetherlandDwarf wrote:
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

that one worries me abit... and my daughter admitted that theres a girl in her class that goes to mexico a lot & just came back from mexico. right now the swine flu could and come from anywhere since its being passed through people. Im taking my daughter to the er in a minute just to be safe since she has been sick for a while now and it just got worse again with vomiting now. i may be over reacting, but safer than sorry. i hope its nothing more than just a flu.

I'm sure she'll be fine
yeah I think it's the tourists doing most of the transporting, which is why I don't think screening is enough, many of these people might not be running a temp get giving the all clear, go see a few friends after being away, come down with the flu a few days later and then their friends get it, thats my main niggle. It's been on the news for hours here pity I can't speak French, can't wait till London so I can actually understand them and get up to date.
I've decided I'm going to go and get one of Siennas spare bottle sterilisers to sterilise everything mum touches, that could be seen as overly paranoid lol but I like using sterilisers :p
irishbunny wrote:
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

that one worries me abit... and my daughter admitted that theres a girl in her class that goes to mexico a lot & just came back from mexico. right now the swine flu could and come from anywhere since its being passed through people. Im taking my daughter to the er in a minute just to be safe since she has been sick for a while now and it just got worse again with vomiting now. i may be over reacting, but safer than sorry. i hope its nothing more than just a flu.

I'm sure she'll be fine

:hug: What Grace said, I'm sure she'll be just right but good to get it checked out, doesn't sound very good either way no one likes vomiting :(
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

that one worries me abit... and my daughter admitted that theres a girl in her class that goes to mexico a lot & just came back from mexico. right now the swine flu could and come from anywhere since its being passed through people. Im taking my daughter to the er in a minute just to be safe since she has been sick for a while now and it just got worse again with vomiting now. i may be over reacting, but safer than sorry. i hope its nothing more than just a flu.
Oh gosh, I hope she'll be ok. :hug: I agree that it can't do any harm to be safe rather than sorry.
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

that one worries me abit... and my daughter admitted that theres a girl in her class that goes to mexico a lot & just came back from mexico. right now the swine flu could and come from anywhere since its being passed through people. Im taking my daughter to the er in a minute just to be safe since she has been sick for a while now and it just got worse again with vomiting now. i may be over reacting, but safer than sorry. i hope its nothing more than just a flu.

I hope she'll be ok.

Are you taking her to St. Peters in Olympia?

well i think i had one of the worst hospital visit and should have waited until monday. i took her to Madigan Hospital on Ft. lewis... we got in there they made her wear a mask and sent us up to xray since she's been sick for awhile and afew a couple hours of waiting we saw a doctor.... he was very dull, non caring person who wanted to push his patients out as fast as he could. didnt bother asking questions, looked in her mouth and simply said seasonal allergies. i said since when does seasonal allergies causes vomiting, body & tummy aches. my daughter cant keep anything down. the only thing she has really eaten is somecrackers and a little bit of pedilyte. he looked at me and proceeded to say he wrote a perscription for zyrtec to help dry things out. he didnt bother acknowleging that she was vomiting. i couldnt believe this guy. and then he was gone... well once we got home she was back in the bathroom throwing up....

i dont know what else to do. i know she has the flu. and i hope its just the regular plain flu, but should i take her to the clinic tomorrow to be safe? i was just so frustrated with this guy....
What an awful doctor.
I think you should make her another drs appointment or maybe try a different hospital.
That doctor shouldn't be working there if that's the attitude he has....especially since it's on base.

I don't if I'm not feeling well because "it's that time" or what; but I've felt like I had a fever today and yesterday, as well as feeling nauseous (sp?)....I don't think it could be a flu...as I don't think anyone from my school has the flu/has gone to Mexico. Although we did just get back from Spring Break 3 weeks ago.... and I know some kids went to Mexico, including some teachers did too.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
What an awful doctor.
I think you should make her another drs appointment or maybe try a different hospital.
That doctor shouldn't be working there if that's the attitude he has....

well unfortunately a lot of the doctors that work on base aren't "real doctors" they do staff some to over look everything. every now and then you'll find a guy who really pays attentions and cares.
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
What an awful doctor.
I think you should make her another drs appointment or maybe try a different hospital.
That doctor shouldn't be working there if that's the attitude he has....

well unfortunately a lot of the doctors that work on base aren't "real doctors" they do staff some to over look everything. every now and then you'll find a guy who really pays attentions and cares.

Ahh I see. That is quite unfortunate.
It's made it to the South Island, Nelson to be exact....Guess who the lucky person who lives in Nelson is.....The paper has said that is it suspected but my sources, ones who are intimately involved in the quarantining process has said they havn't got the results back but is 99.999% sure they have it.....They have voluntarily quarantined themselves in their homes I would think by now the hospital would of stepped in and done it themselves.
AHHHHHH people form my school have it, well its not definite but out of 22 students and 3 staff 13 is sick and 10 of them have influenza type A and type A is like a sister to the swine flu... so they are doing further testing on their blood samples in Melbourne.

My friend's sister is one of those students now her whole family is in quarantine. Thing is that apparently someone had contact with those students and didn't know they were in quarantine, all the year 9 boys got held in at assembly and were told if you had any contact or was in 3m radius with them that you needed to let the deans know quickly.

So if there was someone it would have spread to everyone in the school because everyone was sitting next to each other in assembly (well the year nines, cuz obviuosly they can't fit my whole school in a hall, there are nearly 4 thousand students in my school and 350 staff).

I'm scared. *gulp*

- prisca
IT's been in the UK for a couple of days. Two people who are suspected of having it are in isolation and doing well, apparently.

Also, listening to the news today, the UK has spent years preparing for a potential pandemic. They said whilst it can take 4 months or so to get a decent vaccine, they have a load of antiviral drugs which are effective against the flu, not to prevent people in getting it, but to aid people in fighting it.

Just remember that Bird Flu caused a massive international media panic and very little came of that. Try not to panic peoples :)

Oh, and the advice is, if you think you have it, or any symptoms of it, to stay inside and call a doctor, etc. Don't go out, because that will potentially spread it further.
thing is the bird flu didn't really come to NZ... and this seems big, somehow.
omg... gtg sleep, i'm not tired yet but its around 12 and from now on i plan to wake up early... yeah sure.
Someone in the United States was hospitalized due to this flu strain. The people who have gotten it here seem to be mostly younger/high school aged who can handle it better......

It's not over. If/when less healthy people get it and it becomes more widespread we might see more serious cases. Canada has a confirmed case today.

Human Influenza takes lives each year - why wouldn't this triple strain not be just as dangerous if not moreso?

I believe it IS a threat and that we need to be careful. I think the media is doing a fair job of reporting the information. I felt they were downplaying it a bit.

The pork industry will suffer from this, I know. We are avoiding livestock events that involve swine or places they have been recently.

I didn't think it would spread worldwide honestly. I think it's going to be contained to North and South America for the most part, but vacationing people from other countries aredefinitely at risk ofgetting it and carrying it home.

Becca, currently the only people suffering have been to Mexico. Try to rationalise your panic hun. Your headache could easily be stress, your legs could easily be from your period and the cough could be anything (like hayfever, or a regular cold, or an irritation in your throat, or just even thinking about it).

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