swine flu

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BunLuvvie wrote:
I got sooo freaked out because this morning I woke up with a really sore throat and a eye infection(ugh) and my imagination was going crazy, but eye infection isn't one of the symptoms so..but I'm still going to the doctor-can't be too careful. But-if I go to the doctors then I might actually GET the swine flu from a sick person there, but if I don't go then I might die and-there goes my imagination.:nerves1
just carry hand sanitizer with you and stay away from people who are coughing and sneezing. just remember to wash your hands too when you can. especially either wash or santize your hands after you leave the doctors to prevent picking up any colds or bacteria from the docs office & you will be fine. sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
Becca wrote:
If you didn't want me to take offence why'd you say it?
um... to try and shock you by my choice of words, the reaction of my post might of told you... YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE!
ok? i just used that to try to get you to see it.
but you are midly slightly, big time over reactioning :p
Becca wrote:
I'm talking to someone on MSN (A Michael Jackson fan) thats go Swine flu!!! She lives in Mexico but she is recovering from it!!Shes been in hosptial since Tuesday but she is recovering :)
did she say it felt different than having the regular flu? from some reports it says they have never felt so sick.
She said it was like a simple flu - which has now got me worried she said she had high temp. headahce and a cough...

Now I'm worried again I told her I've been having headache,cough and sore throat and she said maybe you should go to the doctors to check! What do i do???????
Becca wrote:
She said it was like a simple flu - which has now got me worried she said she had high temp. headahce and a cough...

Now I'm worried again I told her I've been having headache,cough and sore throat and she said maybe you should go to the doctors to check! What do i do???????
if you dont have a temp the doctors may not even test you. thats the key factor is having a temp. and they are also really looking for is respiratory issues as well as the high temps. I think you are fine.
Becca wrote:
Hopefully they will develop a 'swine flu jab' for us when this ones gone incase it comes again :)
can i point this out,
1. its hard .
2. next fall etc winter there will be a new strain. (stronger., might be worse.) you will need to make a new jab for each strain - which is not guaranteed.
3. random point in the middle- more people have died from the normal flu...
4. my brother is studying pharmacy and is v. good in maths and things im not good in. lol
5. chill becca!
A woman that lives in my county (in Michigan)has swine flu now, and my professor cancelled class yesterday because she feels swine flu-like symptoms coming on :/

Check out the Swine Flu PSA's from the 1970's :)


I'm not going to panic over this, but I am a bit worried. All of my crews are from Mexico and while they haven't been back in a while, I don't know if anyone they live with has. That concerns me since I am in close contact with them. I've just been washing my hands more and trying not to touch my face...things like that. One of my guys called me today to ask me about a job and told me he wasn't feeling well....hmmm. And if I'm not mistaken I believe his brother just came back from Mexico.

Surprisingly enough, we've not had any confirmed cases in Charlotte yet...I reallybelieve it's just a matter of time until we do.

ETA: Well, 13 confirmed cases of swine flu in a town about 70 miles from me in SC. All students of a private school that just got back from a trip to Mexico.


They are developing a vaccine as fast as they can but they reckon it will take 4 months or so.

Becca, the advice, if you think you have Swine Flu is to stay inside and call NHS Direct or your GP. So if you are worried, then do it, or ask your mum to do it. Panicking won't make anything better though.

I personally, like some others am also not that worried about this. I am aware, yes, and taking the basic steps, like hand sanitiser, and washing my hands, avoiding crowds (but I do that anyway), etc, but it's just about being aware. I see no point in panicking because it achieves nothing. Just be aware and take the steps you can.
I guess it's only a matter of time until it's here, I could really do without swine flu right now, huge exams in four weeks! :cry2
Ok I am aware of this but not panicing. There are no cases in my county, NW London is the nearest one. Even if there were cases closer, there's nothing that could be done except the basic hygeine precautions and making sure enough supplies of personal prescriptions were available for my Dad and I.

The problem with this 'Swine Flu' is not always the Flu' itself (although of course that can be serious), but the secondary, severe bacterial pneumonia that often develops.

Yes the media are hyping it to the max for high profits. By day three after the first case was confirmed, they were close to saying "Everyone's going to catch this,were all gonna die!!!"

RE Mexico: I have been informed that ALL medical care there has to be paid for and it costs a lot, so some patients didn't seek treatment until the pneumonia set in which unfortunately was too late for them.


jcl_24 wrote:
RE Mexico: I have been informed that ALL medical care there has to be paid for and it costs a lot, so some patients didn't seek treatment until the pneumonia set in which unfortunately was too late for them.

Yeah, unfortunately it is true that all medical care is very costly, but since the swine flu reached epidemic proportions it was government mandated that any hospital (ie Public or Private) must admit and treat any person that displays flu-like symptoms.

pinksalamander wrote:
Brandy456 wrote:
pinksalamander wrote:
BSAR wrote:
Oh i didn't notice you were being sarcastic.

Not to be rude, BSAR, but don't you think maybe you should apologise to myLoki? A simple sorry would go a long way.
I agree, I read what was said and it was really unnessesary. You could of either 1) Said it in a more sensative manner or 2) not said it at all. RO is a big forum so it was bound to hurt someones feelings, I don't think it was needed what you said. Also, the term 'third world' means as in third world war (fallowing first and second) and I think, Mexico.. is far from that. Just because of a few horror stories shown on TV or Newspapers from people who had to go to a Mexican hospital doesn't mean it's 24/7 like that, like, i mean there are also hospitals in the US and Canada that can be deemed 'Crappy' ( just look at the Monfort Hospital ;)) doesn't mean the whole country is like that.

I don't think third world refers to wars though, its actually in reference to the 'third estate' and has something to do with the French Revolution. At least thats what we were always told in Geography!



Uhwow....third world does NOT mean a third wolrd war!! Or the French Revolution!! Where in the world did you hear that?

I got this from some site called funtrivia:

'Third world' refers to countries that either lack development totally or have so little development that there is really not much of an impact. Most of the countries in the world are third world.

First World: Also called 'developed countries', these are ones with such things as factories and no life-threatening diseases. Examples: USA, England, France, and Japan.

Second World: These are countries that have moderate development, maybe one or two major businesses. Although diseases still persist, some of them have been eliminated. Examples: Mexico, Nigeria, Thailand

Third World: These are countries where there is no urbanization or development, and fatal diseases such as AIDS and measles are part of everday life. Examples: Most African countries, southeast Asia, the majority of Latin America


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