Michelle Savage
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I just bought a cute baby lop bunny. The pet store is suppose to call the breeder to tell me what type of bunny she is, but if she does not get a hold of the breeder I may never know!:grumpy:This makes momma upset to no end. I won't every complain though about her cause I could notof asked for a more perfect baby for me, I love her extremely and I knew to go to the pet store that day (was destiny and I knew as soon as I saw her she was just what I was looking for).:innocent
I have lots of questions if anyone knows the answers to a little, some or all, I would be overly appreciative!
1. Is a baby (around 9 weeks) rabbit safe to eat organic wheat grass? What about oats at this age?
2. What brand of saline solution is the best for my baby?
3. Is white vinegar the safest way to clean my rabbits cage, items and feet? If not what is the safest thing to use for a baby rabbit?
4. By looking at her pictures what type or types of rabbit do you think she is (she is in the photo album in the first 1 to 3 pages)?
5. Do baby bunnies need to have "draw back" (when you brush their hair the opposite way it naturally lays and it falls back to it's natural state)?
6. It looks like someone cut her whiskers (possibably while trimming her nails) or they are broken alot on one side. Will this hurt her? Do they grow back to normal?
7. Is it ok to let her kiss my face and/or lips with or without washing afterwards?
8. Shehad small eye crusties once a few days ago that don't look scary to me, but it that normal?
9. She seems to be eating about 90% of the time and looks like she grew twice her size in 1 to 2 days! Is this normal for a 8 to 9 week old lop bunny?
10. She has approx. 150 droppings a day, is this normal for a baby rabbit?
11. Can I feed her pinapple, papaya or yogurtat her age of around 9 weeks to help with the digestion of hair?
12. Is a plastic cage (with only a litterpan and litterto urinate) bad on her claws?
13. What type of chew toy/s or itemswould be safe for a baby rabbit? Also, her teeth look like they grew 2 to 3 times the size they where is just 5 days, is this normal for a 8 to 9 week old bunny?
14. I gave her about a tablespoon or so of banana the other day and then I read that you are not suppose to give rabbits fruit or veg. until they are like 4 to six 6 months old! Will she be alright, and is this true about their diet?
15. I just want her to live until she is atleast 10 years old, how else, if you have any tips/knowledge, would I help her livea long life?
Note to reader~ I am taking her to the vet this tuesday to get a check up. She seems healthy but I just want to make sure and Ihave some more questions answered. I already have a lot of questions for the vet, so if you can answer some of these questions it would be awesome, thank you all.
Also please let me know what you think of my sweet innocent baby lop. More detailed information about her is on my profile page (Michelle Savage). Thank you and please look at all her pictureswhich where posted in the photo album a think just a couple days ago (so it should be in the first 3 pages of photos in the album).
Thank you again,
Michelle and Sweetheart:biggrin:
I just bought a cute baby lop bunny. The pet store is suppose to call the breeder to tell me what type of bunny she is, but if she does not get a hold of the breeder I may never know!:grumpy:This makes momma upset to no end. I won't every complain though about her cause I could notof asked for a more perfect baby for me, I love her extremely and I knew to go to the pet store that day (was destiny and I knew as soon as I saw her she was just what I was looking for).:innocent
I have lots of questions if anyone knows the answers to a little, some or all, I would be overly appreciative!
1. Is a baby (around 9 weeks) rabbit safe to eat organic wheat grass? What about oats at this age?
2. What brand of saline solution is the best for my baby?
3. Is white vinegar the safest way to clean my rabbits cage, items and feet? If not what is the safest thing to use for a baby rabbit?
4. By looking at her pictures what type or types of rabbit do you think she is (she is in the photo album in the first 1 to 3 pages)?
5. Do baby bunnies need to have "draw back" (when you brush their hair the opposite way it naturally lays and it falls back to it's natural state)?
6. It looks like someone cut her whiskers (possibably while trimming her nails) or they are broken alot on one side. Will this hurt her? Do they grow back to normal?
7. Is it ok to let her kiss my face and/or lips with or without washing afterwards?
8. Shehad small eye crusties once a few days ago that don't look scary to me, but it that normal?
9. She seems to be eating about 90% of the time and looks like she grew twice her size in 1 to 2 days! Is this normal for a 8 to 9 week old lop bunny?
10. She has approx. 150 droppings a day, is this normal for a baby rabbit?
11. Can I feed her pinapple, papaya or yogurtat her age of around 9 weeks to help with the digestion of hair?
12. Is a plastic cage (with only a litterpan and litterto urinate) bad on her claws?
13. What type of chew toy/s or itemswould be safe for a baby rabbit? Also, her teeth look like they grew 2 to 3 times the size they where is just 5 days, is this normal for a 8 to 9 week old bunny?
14. I gave her about a tablespoon or so of banana the other day and then I read that you are not suppose to give rabbits fruit or veg. until they are like 4 to six 6 months old! Will she be alright, and is this true about their diet?
15. I just want her to live until she is atleast 10 years old, how else, if you have any tips/knowledge, would I help her livea long life?
Note to reader~ I am taking her to the vet this tuesday to get a check up. She seems healthy but I just want to make sure and Ihave some more questions answered. I already have a lot of questions for the vet, so if you can answer some of these questions it would be awesome, thank you all.
Also please let me know what you think of my sweet innocent baby lop. More detailed information about her is on my profile page (Michelle Savage). Thank you and please look at all her pictureswhich where posted in the photo album a think just a couple days ago (so it should be in the first 3 pages of photos in the album).
Thank you again,
Michelle and Sweetheart:biggrin: